

package evolutions

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ApplicationEvolutions extends AnyRef

    Run evolutions on application startup.

    Run evolutions on application startup. Automatically runs on construction.

  2. class ApplicationEvolutionsProvider extends Provider[ApplicationEvolutions]

  3. class DefaultEvolutionsApi extends EvolutionsApi

    Default implementation of the evolutions API.

    Default implementation of the evolutions API.

  4. class DefaultEvolutionsConfig extends EvolutionsConfig

    Default evolutions configuration.

  5. class DefaultEvolutionsConfigParser extends Provider[EvolutionsConfig]

    A provider that creates an EvolutionsConfig from the play.api.Configuration.

    A provider that creates an EvolutionsConfig from the play.api.Configuration.

  6. case class DefaultEvolutionsDatasourceConfig(enabled: Boolean, autocommit: Boolean, useLocks: Boolean, autoApply: Boolean, autoApplyDowns: Boolean) extends EvolutionsDatasourceConfig with Product with Serializable

    Default evolutions datasource configuration.

  7. case class DownScript(evolution: Evolution) extends Script with Product with Serializable

    A DOWN Script to run on the database.

    A DOWN Script to run on the database.


    the original evolution

  8. class DynamicEvolutions extends AnyRef

    Default implementation for optional dynamic evolutions.

    Default implementation for optional dynamic evolutions.

  9. case class Evolution(revision: Int, sql_up: String = "", sql_down: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

    An SQL evolution - database changes associated with a software version.

    An SQL evolution - database changes associated with a software version.

    An evolution includes ‘up’ changes, to upgrade to the next version, as well as ‘down’ changes, to downgrade the database to the previous version.


    revision number


    the SQL statements for UP application


    the SQL statements for DOWN application

  10. trait EvolutionsApi extends AnyRef

    Evolutions API.

  11. trait EvolutionsComponents extends AnyRef

    Components for default implementation of the evolutions API.

  12. trait EvolutionsConfig extends AnyRef

    Evolutions configuration for all datasources.

  13. trait EvolutionsDatasourceConfig extends AnyRef

    Evolutions configuration for a given datasource.

  14. class EvolutionsModule extends Module

    Default module for evolutions API.

  15. class EvolutionsReader extends AnyRef

    Read evolution files from the application environment.

    Read evolution files from the application environment.

  16. class EvolutionsWebCommands extends HandleWebCommandSupport

    Web command handler for applying evolutions on application start.

    Web command handler for applying evolutions on application start.

  17. case class InconsistentDatabase(db: String, script: String, error: String, rev: Int) extends RichDescription with Product with Serializable

    Exception thrown when the database is in inconsistent state.

    Exception thrown when the database is in inconsistent state.


    the database name


    the evolution script


    an inconsistent state error


    the revision

  18. case class InvalidDatabaseRevision(db: String, script: String) extends RichDescription with Product with Serializable

    Exception thrown when the database is not up to date.

    Exception thrown when the database is not up to date.


    the database name


    the script to be run to resolve the conflict.

  19. trait Script extends AnyRef

    A Script to run on the database.

  20. case class UpScript(evolution: Evolution) extends Script with Product with Serializable

    An UP Script to run on the database.

    An UP Script to run on the database.


    the original evolution

Value Members

  1. object Evolutions

    Defines Evolutions utilities functions.

  2. object OfflineEvolutions

    Can be used to run off-line evolutions, i.e.

    Can be used to run off-line evolutions, i.e. outside a running application.
