Deserializer for Jackson ArrayNode
Deserializer for Array[T] types.
Deserializer for Boolean types.
Deserializer for Byte types.
the default implicit java.util.Date reads
the default implicit JodaDate reads
the default implicit joda.time.LocalDate reads
the default implicit joda.time.LocalTime reads
the default implicit JodaDate reads
Deserializer for Double types.
Deserializer for Float types.
Deserializer for Int types.
ISO 8601 Reads
builds a JsErrorObj JsObject { VAL : "current known erroneous jsvalue", ERR : "the i18n key of the error msg", ARGS : "the args for the error msg" (JsArray) }
Deserializer for JsObject.
Deserializer for JsValue.
Deserializer for Jackson JsonNode
Deserializer for Long types.
Deserializer for Jackson ObjectNode
Deserializer for Short types.
Deserializer for String types.
Deserializer for BigDecimal
Reads for the java.util.Date
Reads for the java.util.Date
a date pattern, as specified in java.text.SimpleDateFormat
a simple string transformation function that can be used to transform input String before parsing. Useful when standards are not exactly respected and require a few tweaks
Reads for scala.Enumeration
types using the name.
Reads for scala.Enumeration
types using the name.
a scala.Enumeration
Deserializer for BigDecimal
Reads for the org.joda.time.DateTime
Reads for the org.joda.time.DateTime
a date pattern, as specified in java.text.SimpleDateFormat
a simple string transformation function that can be used to transform input String before parsing. Useful when standards are not exactly respected and require a few tweaks
Reads for the org.joda.time.LocalDate
Reads for the org.joda.time.LocalDate
a date pattern, as specified in org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
string transformation function (See jodaDateReads)
Reads for the org.joda.time.LocalTime
Reads for the org.joda.time.LocalTime
a date pattern, as specified in org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
string transformation function (See jodaTimeReads)
Deserializer for Map[String,V] types.
Reads for the java.sql.Date
Reads for the java.sql.Date
a date pattern, as specified in java.text.SimpleDateFormat
a simple string transformation function that can be used to transform input String before parsing. Useful when standards are not exactly respected and require a few tweaks
Generic deserializer for collections types.
Deserializer for java.util.UUID
Default deserializer type classes.