
case class TestBrowser(webDriver: WebDriver, baseUrl: Option[String]) extends FluentAdapter with Product with Serializable

A test browser (Using Selenium WebDriver) with the FluentLenium API (


The WebDriver instance to use.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Product, Equals, FluentAdapter, FluentControl, org.fluentlenium.configuration.Configuration, ConfigurationMutator, ConfigurationProperties, CapabilitiesControl, ComponentInstantiator, FluentInjectControl, CssControl, SeleniumDriverControl, NavigationControl, EventsControl, SnapshotControl, AlertControl, JavascriptControl, InputControl, AwaitControl, SearchControl[FluentWebElement], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TestBrowser
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. FluentAdapter
  6. FluentControl
  7. Configuration
  8. ConfigurationMutator
  9. ConfigurationProperties
  10. CapabilitiesControl
  11. ComponentInstantiator
  12. FluentInjectControl
  13. CssControl
  14. SeleniumDriverControl
  15. NavigationControl
  16. EventsControl
  17. SnapshotControl
  18. AlertControl
  19. JavascriptControl
  20. InputControl
  21. AwaitControl
  22. SearchControl
  23. AnyRef
  24. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TestBrowser(webDriver: WebDriver, baseUrl: Option[String])


    The WebDriver instance to use.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def $(arg0: By, arg1: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  4. def $(arg0: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  5. def $(arg0: String, arg1: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  6. def $(arg0: List[WebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def alert(): Alert
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → AlertControl
  9. def asComponentList[L <: List[T], T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[L], arg1: Class[T], arg2: List[WebElement]): L
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  10. def asComponentList[L <: List[T], T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[L], arg1: Class[T], arg2: Iterable[WebElement]): L
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  11. def asComponentList[L <: List[T], T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[L], arg1: Class[T], arg2: <repeated...>[WebElement]): L
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  12. def asComponentList[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T], arg1: List[WebElement]): ComponentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  13. def asComponentList[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T], arg1: Iterable[WebElement]): ComponentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  14. def asComponentList[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T], arg1: <repeated...>[WebElement]): ComponentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  15. def asFluentList[T <: FluentWebElement](arg0: Class[T], arg1: List[WebElement]): FluentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  16. def asFluentList[T <: FluentWebElement](arg0: Class[T], arg1: Iterable[WebElement]): FluentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  17. def asFluentList[T <: FluentWebElement](arg0: Class[T], arg1: <repeated...>[WebElement]): FluentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  18. def asFluentList(arg0: List[WebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  19. def asFluentList(arg0: Iterable[WebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  20. def asFluentList(arg0: <repeated...>[WebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  21. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  22. def await(): FluentWait
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → AwaitControl
  23. val baseUrl: Option[String]
  24. def canTakeScreenShot(): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SnapshotControl
  25. def capabilities(): Capabilities
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → CapabilitiesControl
  26. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  27. def css(): CssSupport
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → CssControl
  28. def el(arg0: By, arg1: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentWebElement
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  29. def el(arg0: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentWebElement
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  30. def el(arg0: String, arg1: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentWebElement
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  31. def el(arg0: WebElement): FluentWebElement
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  32. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  33. def events(): EventsRegistry
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → EventsControl
  34. def executeAsyncScript(arg0: String, arg1: <repeated...>[AnyRef]): FluentJavascript
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → JavascriptControl
  35. def executeScript(arg0: String, arg1: <repeated...>[AnyRef]): FluentJavascript
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → JavascriptControl
  36. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  37. def find(arg0: By, arg1: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  38. def find(arg0: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  39. def find(arg0: String, arg1: <repeated...>[SearchFilter]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  40. def find(arg0: List[WebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SearchControl
  41. def getAwaitAtMost(): Long
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  42. def getAwaitPollingEvery(): Long
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  43. def getBaseUrl(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  44. def getBrowserTimeout(): Long
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  45. def getBrowserTimeoutRetries(): Integer
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  46. def getCapabilities(): Capabilities
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  47. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  48. def getConfiguration(): org.fluentlenium.configuration.Configuration
    Definition Classes
  49. def getConfigurationDefaults(): Class[_ <: ConfigurationProperties]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  50. def getConfigurationFactory(): Class[_ <: ConfigurationFactory]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  51. def getControlContainer(): FluentControlContainer
    Definition Classes
  52. def getCookie(arg0: String): Cookie
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  53. def getCookies(): Set[Cookie]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  54. def getCustomProperty(arg0: String): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  55. def getDeleteCookies(): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  56. final def getDriver(): WebDriver
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SeleniumDriverControl
  57. def getDriverLifecycle(): DriverLifecycle
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  58. def getEventsEnabled(): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  59. def getHtmlDumpMode(): TriggerMode
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  60. def getHtmlDumpPath(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  61. def getImplicitlyWait(): Long
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  62. def getPageLoadTimeout(): Long
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  63. def getRemoteUrl(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  64. def getScreenshotMode(): TriggerMode
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  65. def getScreenshotPath(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  66. def getScriptTimeout(): Long
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  67. def getWebDriver(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationProperties
  68. def goTo(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  69. def goTo[P <: FluentPage](arg0: P): P
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  70. def goToInNewTab(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  71. def initFluent(arg0: WebDriver): Unit
    Definition Classes
  72. def inject(arg0: AnyRef): ContainerContext
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → FluentInjectControl
  73. def injectComponent(arg0: AnyRef, arg1: AnyRef, arg2: SearchContext): ContainerContext
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → FluentInjectControl
  74. def isComponentClass(arg0: Class[_ <: AnyRef]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  75. def isComponentListClass(arg0: Class[_ <: List[_ <: AnyRef]]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  76. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  77. def keyboard(): KeyboardActions
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → InputControl
  78. def manage: Options

    retrieves the underlying option interface that can be used to set cookies, manage timeouts among other things

  79. def mouse(): MouseActions
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → InputControl
  80. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  81. def newComponent[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T], arg1: WebElement): T
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  82. def newComponentList[L <: List[T], T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[L], arg1: Class[T], arg2: List[T]): L
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  83. def newComponentList[L <: List[T], T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[L], arg1: Class[T], arg2: <repeated...>[T]): L
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  84. def newComponentList[L <: List[T], T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[L], arg1: Class[T]): L
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  85. def newComponentList[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T], arg1: List[T]): ComponentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  86. def newComponentList[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T], arg1: <repeated...>[T]): ComponentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  87. def newComponentList[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T]): ComponentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  88. def newFluent(arg0: WebElement): FluentWebElement
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  89. def newFluentList[T <: FluentWebElement](arg0: Class[T], arg1: List[T]): FluentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  90. def newFluentList[T <: FluentWebElement](arg0: Class[T], arg1: <repeated...>[T]): FluentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  91. def newFluentList[T <: FluentWebElement](arg0: Class[T]): FluentList[T]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  92. def newFluentList(arg0: List[FluentWebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  93. def newFluentList(arg0: <repeated...>[FluentWebElement]): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  94. def newFluentList(): FluentList[FluentWebElement]
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ComponentInstantiator
  95. def newInstance[T <: AnyRef](arg0: Class[T]): T
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → FluentInjectControl
  96. def newWebDriver(): WebDriver
    Definition Classes
  97. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  98. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  99. def pageSource(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  100. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  101. def quit(): Unit
  102. def releaseFluent(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  103. def setAwaitAtMost(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  104. def setAwaitPollingEvery(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  105. def setBaseUrl(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  106. def setBrowserTimeout(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  107. def setBrowserTimeoutRetries(arg0: Integer): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  108. def setCapabilities(arg0: Capabilities): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  109. def setConfigurationFactory(arg0: Class[_ <: ConfigurationFactory]): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  110. def setCustomProperty(arg0: String, arg1: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  111. def setDeleteCookies(arg0: Boolean): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  112. def setDriverLifecycle(arg0: DriverLifecycle): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  113. def setEventsEnabled(arg0: Boolean): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  114. def setHtmlDumpMode(arg0: TriggerMode): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  115. def setHtmlDumpPath(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  116. def setImplicitlyWait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  117. def setPageLoadTimeout(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  118. def setRemoteUrl(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  119. def setScreenshotMode(arg0: TriggerMode): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  120. def setScreenshotPath(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  121. def setScriptTimeout(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  122. def setWebDriver(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → ConfigurationMutator
  123. def submit(selector: String, fields: (String, String)*): FluentList[FluentWebElement]

    Submits a form with the given field values

    Submits a form with the given field values

    1. submit("#login", fields =
        "email" -> email,
        "password" -> password
  124. def switchTo(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  125. def switchTo(arg0: FluentWebElement): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  126. def switchTo(arg0: FluentList[_ <: FluentWebElement]): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  127. def switchToDefault(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  128. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  129. def takeHtmlDump(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SnapshotControl
  130. def takeHtmlDump(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SnapshotControl
  131. def takeScreenshot(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SnapshotControl
  132. def takeScreenshot(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → SnapshotControl
  133. def url(): String
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl
  134. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  135. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  136. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  137. def waitUntil[T](block: => T): T

    Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the default timeout expires

    Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the default timeout expires


    code to be executed

  138. def waitUntil[T](timeout: Duration)(block: => T): T

    Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the timeout expires

    Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the timeout expires


    duration of how long should wait


    code to be executed

  139. def waitUntil[T](timeout: Int, timeUnit: TimeUnit)(block: => T): T

    Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the timeout expires

    Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the timeout expires


    the timeout amount


    timeout unit


    code to be executed

  140. val webDriver: WebDriver
  141. def window(): WindowAction
    Definition Classes
    FluentAdapter → NavigationControl

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from FluentAdapter

Inherited from FluentControl

Inherited from org.fluentlenium.configuration.Configuration

Inherited from ConfigurationMutator

Inherited from ConfigurationProperties

Inherited from CapabilitiesControl

Inherited from ComponentInstantiator

Inherited from FluentInjectControl

Inherited from CssControl

Inherited from SeleniumDriverControl

Inherited from NavigationControl

Inherited from EventsControl

Inherited from SnapshotControl

Inherited from AlertControl

Inherited from JavascriptControl

Inherited from InputControl

Inherited from AwaitControl

Inherited from SearchControl[FluentWebElement]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
