Package play.i18n

Class MessagesApi

  • @Singleton
    public class MessagesApi
    extends Object
    The messages API.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MessagesApi

        public MessagesApi​(play.api.i18n.MessagesApi messages)
    • Method Detail

      • asScala

        public play.api.i18n.MessagesApi asScala()
        the Scala versions of the Messages API.
      • get

        public String get​(play.api.i18n.Lang lang,
                          String key,
                          Object... args)
        Translates a message.

        Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.

        lang - the message lang
        key - the message key
        args - the message arguments
        the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn't defined
      • get

        public String get​(play.api.i18n.Lang lang,
                          List<String> keys,
                          Object... args)
        Translates the first defined message.

        Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.

        lang - the message lang
        keys - the messages keys
        args - the message arguments
        the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn't defined
      • isDefinedAt

        public Boolean isDefinedAt​(play.api.i18n.Lang lang,
                                   String key)
        Check if a message key is defined.
        lang - the message lang
        key - the message key
        a Boolean
      • preferred

        public Messages preferred​(Collection<Lang> candidates)
        Get a messages context appropriate for the given candidates.

        Will select a language from the candidates, based on the languages available, and fallback to the default language if none of the candidates are available.

        candidates - the candidate languages
        the most appropriate Messages instance given the candidate languages
      • preferred

        public Messages preferred​(Http.RequestHeader request)
        Get a messages context appropriate for the given request.

        Will select a language from the request, based on the languages available, and fallback to the default language if none of the candidates are available.

        request - the incoming request
        the preferred messages context for the request
      • setLang

        public Result setLang​(Result result,
                              Lang lang)
        Given a Result and a Lang, return a new Result with the lang cookie set to the given Lang.
        result - the result where the lang will be set.
        lang - the lang to set on the result
        a new result with the lang.
      • clearLang

        public Result clearLang​(Result result)
        Given a Result, return a new Result with the lang cookie discarded.
        result - the result to clear the lang.
        a new result with a cleared lang.
      • langCookieName

        public String langCookieName()
        Name for the language Cookie.
      • langCookieMaxAge

        public OptionalInt langCookieMaxAge()
        An optional max age in seconds for the language Cookie.
      • langCookieSecure

        public boolean langCookieSecure()
        Whether the secure attribute of the cookie is true or not.
      • langCookieHttpOnly

        public boolean langCookieHttpOnly()
        Whether the HTTP only attribute of the cookie should be set to true or not.
      • langCookieSameSite

        public Optional<Http.Cookie.SameSite> langCookieSameSite()
        The value of the [[SameSite]] attribute of the cookie. If None, then no SameSite attribute is set.