Package play.libs

Class XPath

  • public class XPath
    extends Object
    XPath for parsing
    • Constructor Detail

      • XPath

        public XPath()
    • Method Detail

      • selectNodes

        public static NodeList selectNodes​(String path,
                                           Object node,
                                           Map<String,​String> namespaces)
        Select all nodes that are selected by this XPath expression. If multiple nodes match, multiple nodes will be returned. Nodes will be returned in document-order,
        path - the xpath expression
        node - the starting node
        namespaces - Namespaces that need to be available in the xpath, where the key is the prefix and the value the namespace URI
        result of evaluating the xpath expression against node
      • selectNodes

        public static NodeList selectNodes​(String path,
                                           Object node)
        Select all nodes that are selected by this XPath expression. If multiple nodes match, multiple nodes will be returned. Nodes will be returned in document-order,
        path - the xpath expression
        node - the starting node
        result of evaluating the xpath expression against node
      • selectText

        public static String selectText​(String path,
                                        Object node,
                                        Map<String,​String> namespaces)
        path - the XPath to execute
        node - the node, node-set or Context object for evaluation. This value can be null.
        namespaces - the XML namespaces map
        the text of a node, or the value of an attribute
      • selectText

        public static String selectText​(String path,
                                        Object node)
        path - the XPath to execute
        node - the node, node-set or Context object for evaluation. This value can be null.
        the text of a node, or the value of an attribute