Interface Futures

    • Method Detail

      • timeout

        <A> CompletionStage<A> timeout​(CompletionStage<A> stage,
                                       long amount,
                                       TimeUnit unit)
        Creates a CompletionStage that returns either the input stage, or a timeout.

        Note that timeout is not the same as cancellation. Even in case of timeout, the given completion stage will still complete, even though that completed value is not returned.

         CompletionStage<Double> callWithTimeout() {
             return futures.timeout(delayByOneSecond(), Duration.ofMillis(300));
        Type Parameters:
        A - the completion's result type.
        stage - the input completion stage that may time out.
        amount - The amount (expressed with the corresponding unit).
        unit - The time Unit.
        either the completed completion stage, or a completion stage that failed with timeout.
      • timeout

        <A> CompletionStage<A> timeout​(CompletionStage<A> stage,
                                       Duration duration)
        An alias for timeout that uses a Duration.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the completion stage that should be wrapped with a timeout.
        stage - the input completion stage that may time out.
        duration - The duration after which there is a timeout.
        the completion stage, or a completion stage that failed with timeout.
      • delayed

        <A> CompletionStage<A> delayed​(Callable<CompletionStage<A>> callable,
                                       long amount,
                                       TimeUnit unit)
        Create a CompletionStage which, after a delay, will be redeemed with the result of a given callable. The completion stage will be called after the delay.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the completion's result.
        callable - the input completion stage that is called after the delay.
        amount - The time to wait.
        unit - The units to use for the amount.
        the delayed CompletionStage wrapping supplier.
      • delay

        CompletionStage<Done> delay​(Duration duration)
        Creates a completion stage which is only completed after the delay.
         Duration expected = Duration.ofSeconds(2);
         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
         CompletionStage<Long> stage = futures.delay(expected).thenApply((v) -> {
             long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
             return (end - start);
        duration - the duration after which the completion stage is run.
        the completion stage.
      • delay

        CompletionStage<Done> delay​(long amount,
                                    TimeUnit unit)
        Creates a completion stage which is only completed after the delay.
        amount - The time to wait.
        unit - The units to use for the amount.
        the delayed CompletionStage.
      • delayed

        <A> CompletionStage<A> delayed​(Callable<CompletionStage<A>> callable,
                                       Duration duration)
        Create a CompletionStage which, after a delay, will be redeemed with the result of a given supplier. The completion stage will be called after the delay.

        For example, to render a number indicating the delay, you can use the following method:

         private CompletionStage<Long> renderAfter(Duration duration) {
             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
             return futures.delayed(() -> {
                  long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                  return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(end - start);
             }, duration);
        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the completion's result.
        callable - the input completion stage that is called after the delay.
        duration - to wait.
        the delayed CompletionStage wrapping supplier.
      • sequence

        static <A> CompletionStage<List<A>> sequence​(Iterable<? extends CompletionStage<A>> promises)
        Combine the given CompletionStages into a single CompletionStage for the list of results.

        The sequencing operations are performed in the default ExecutionContext.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the completion's result.
        promises - The CompletionStages to combine
        A single CompletionStage whose methods act on the list of redeemed CompletionStages
      • sequence

        static <A> CompletionStage<List<A>> sequence​(CompletionStage<A>... promises)
        Combine the given CompletionStages into a single CompletionStage for the list of results.

        The sequencing operations are performed in the default ExecutionContext.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the type of the completion's result.
        promises - The CompletionStages to combine
        A single CompletionStage whose methods act on the list of redeemed CompletionStage