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Validating HTTP data with Play

Validations ensure that the data has certain values or meets specific requirements. You can use validation to verify that your models are correct before saving them to the database, or use them directly on HTTP parameters to validate a simple form.

How does it work?

Each request has it own Validation object which collects errors. From a controller, you access it directly using the validation variable. You can still access a subset of the API using the class’ static methods.

The validation object maintains a collection of objects. Each error has two properties:

Let’s see how to validate a simple HTTP parameter:

public static void hello(String name) {

This code checks that the name variable is correctly set. If not, the corresponding error is added to the current errors collection.

You can repeat this operation for each validation you need:

public static void hello(String name, Integer age) {
     validation.min(age, 0);

Retrieving error messages

At the end of the validation you can check if any errors have been created and display them:

public static void hello(String name, Integer age) {
     validation.min(age, 0);
     if(validation.hasErrors()) {
         for(Error error : validation.errors) {

Assuming that name and age are null, this would display:

name is required
age is required

Default messages are keys that refer to the message bundle. So in the conf/messages file you will have:

validation.required=%s is required

You can change this default message and override it for each application language. The %s placeholder will be replaced by the error key. You can override using the error.message(String field) method.

For example:

Error error = validation.required(name).error;
if(error != null) {
    System.out.println(error.message("The name"));

You can also specify a different message for each check:

Error error = validation.required(name).message("Fill the name!").error;
if(error != null) {

Displaying errors in the template

In most cases you want to display the error messages in the view template. You can access them in the template using the errors object. Some tags help you to display the errors:

Let’s see a sample:

public static void hello(String name, Integer age) {
     validation.min(age, 0);
     render(name, age);

and now the template:

   Hello ${name}, you are ${age}.

But in a real application you want to redisplay the original form. So you will have two actions: one to display the form and another one to handle the POST.

Of course the validation will occur in the second action and if some error occurs you will have to redirect to the first action. In this case you need a special trick to keep your errors during the redirect. Use the validation.keep() method. This will save the errors collection for the next action.

Let’s see a real sample:

public class Application extends Controller {
   public static void index() {
   public static void hello(String name, Integer age) {
      validation.min(age, 0);
      if(validation.hasErrors()) {
          params.flash(); // add http parameters to the flash scope
          validation.keep(); // keep the errors for the next request
      render(name, age);

And the view/Application/index.html template:

#{form @Application.hello()}
      Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="${}" />
      Age: <input type="text" name="age" value="${flash.age}" /> 
      <input type="submit" value="Say hello" /> 

You can create a better user experience by displaying each error message next to the field that generated the error:

#{form @Application.hello()}
      Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="${}" />
      <span class="error">#{error 'name' /}</span>
      Age: <input type="text" name="age" value="${flash.age}" /> 
      <span class="error">#{error 'age' /}</span>
      <input type="submit" value="Say hello" /> 

Using annotations

You can use annotations to do the same thing:

public static void hello(@Required String name, @Required @Min(0) Integer age) {
   if(validation.hasErrors()) {
       params.flash(); // add http parameters to the flash scope
       validation.keep(); // keep the errors for the next request
   render(name, age);

Validating objects

Using annotations you can easily add constraints to your model objects. Let’s rewrite the previous example using a User class.

First the User class:

package models;
public class User {
    public String name;
    public Integer age;

Then the modified hello action:

public static void hello(@Valid User user) {
   if(validation.hasErrors()) {
       params.flash(); // add http parameters to the flash scope
       validation.keep(); // keep the errors for the next request
   render(name, age);

And finally the modified form:

#{form @Application.hello()}
      Name: <input type="text" name="" value="${flash['']}" />
      <span class="error">#{error '' /}</span>
      Age: <input type="text" name="user.age" value="${flash['user.age']}" /> 
      <span class="error">#{error 'user.age' /}</span>
      <input type="submit" value="Say hello" /> 

Custom validation

Can’t find the validator you need in the package? Write your own. You can use the generic @CheckWith annotation to bind your own Check implementation.

For example:

public class User {
    public String password;
    static class MyPasswordCheck extends Check {
        public abstract boolean isSatisfied(Object user, Object password) {
            return notMatchPreviousPasswords(password);