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Play 1.3.2 — Release notes
Play 1.3.2 has been released of the 1.3.x maintenance branch.
The changes in this release are listed in the Play 1.3.2 milestone on Lighthouse, including 31 resolved tickets.
What’s new in Play 1.3.2
- Add ability to define the timeout in testRunner module
- Add ability to manually set the VirtualHost of WS
- Improve performance of Router.reverse()
- Allow upload a 0B file
- add ‘--server’ arg to install command commands python to specify just ONE custom repository for module installation
What’s fixed in Play 1.3.2.
- Fix redirect to wrong domain and port behind apache
- Customize JSON rendering by passing the Gson serializer object json render
- Getting Static Initialization Deadlock in class DataParser dataparser
- Allow zero-length blobs binder
- OpenID discovery fails in 1.3.x in some cases openid
- Problem to run specific tests selenium testrunner tests
- 500.html template redering issue
- play.libs.image.crop don’t close the OutputStream image