Default max length allowed for text based body.
Default max length allowed for text based body.
You can configure it in application.conf:
parsers.text.maxLength = 512k
Unlimited size.
Guess the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
Guess the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
If the request is a PATCH, POST, or PUT, parse the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
If the request is a PATCH, POST, or PUT, parse the body content by checking the Content-Type header.
Don't parse the body content.
A body parser that always returns an error.
Store the body content into a file.
Store the body content into a file.
The file used to store the content.
Parse the body and binds it to a given form model.
Parse the body and binds it to a given form model.
case class User(name: String) val userForm: Form[User] = Form(mapping("name" -> nonEmptyText)(User.apply)(User.unapply)) Action(parse.form(userForm)) { request => Ok(s"Hello, ${}!") }
Form model
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response. If None
, the default parsers.text.maxLength
configuration value is used.
The result to reply in case of errors during the form binding process
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json, validating the result with the Json reader.
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json, validating the result with the Json reader.
the type to read and validate from the body.
a Json reader for type A.
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json.
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json.
Parse the body as Json if the Content-Type is text/json or application/json.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Wrap an existing BodyParser with a maxLength constraints.
Wrap an existing BodyParser with a maxLength constraints.
The max length allowed
The BodyParser to wrap
Parse the content as multipart/form-data
Parse the content as multipart/form-data
Handles file parts.
Parse the content as multipart/form-data
Store the body content in a RawBuffer.
Store the body content in a RawBuffer.
Store the body content in a RawBuffer.
If the content size is bigger than this limit, the content is stored as file.
Store the body content into a temporary file.
Parse the body as text if the Content-Type is text/plain.
Parse the body as text if the Content-Type is text/plain.
Parse the body as text if the Content-Type is text/plain.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Parse the body as form url encoded without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as Form url encoded without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as Form url encoded without checking the Content-Type.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Parse the body as Json without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as Json without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as Json without checking the Content-Type.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Parse the body as text without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as text without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as text without checking the Content-Type.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Parse the body as Xml without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as Xml without checking the Content-Type.
Parse the body as Xml without checking the Content-Type.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Parse the body as form url encoded if the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Parse the body as form url encoded if the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Parse the body as form url encoded if the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Allow to choose the right BodyParser parser to use by examining the request headers.
Create a conditional BodyParser.
Parse the body as Xml if the Content-Type is application/xml, text/xml or application/XXX+xml.
Parse the body as Xml if the Content-Type is application/xml, text/xml or application/XXX+xml.
Parse the body as Xml if the Content-Type is application/xml, text/xml or application/XXX+xml.
Max length allowed or returns EntityTooLarge HTTP response.
Default body parsers.