



package server

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AkkaHttpServer extends Server

    Starts a Play server using Akka HTTP.

  2. trait AkkaHttpServerComponents extends ServerComponents

    Components for building a simple Akka HTTP Server.

  3. class AkkaHttpServerProvider extends ServerProvider

    Knows how to create an AkkaHttpServer.

  4. class NettyServer extends Server

    creates a Server implementation based Netty

  5. trait NettyServerComponents extends ServerComponents

    Cake for building a simple Netty server.

  6. class NettyServerProvider extends ServerProvider

    The Netty server provider

  7. sealed trait NettyTransport extends AnyRef
  8. class RealServerProcess extends ServerProcess

    A ServerProcess that wraps a real JVM process.

    A ServerProcess that wraps a real JVM process. Calls have a real effect on the JVM, e.g. exit calls System.exit.

  9. trait Server extends ReloadableServer

    Provides generic server behaviour for Play applications.

  10. trait ServerComponents extends AnyRef

    Components to create a Server instance.

  11. case class ServerConfig(rootDir: File, port: Option[Int], sslPort: Option[Int], address: String, mode: api.Mode, properties: Properties, configuration: api.Configuration) extends Product with Serializable

    Common configuration for servers such as NettyServer.

    Common configuration for servers such as NettyServer.


    The root directory of the server. Used to find default locations of files, log directories, etc.


    The HTTP port to use.


    The HTTPS port to use.


    The socket address to bind to.


    The run mode: dev, test or prod.

  12. class ServerListenException extends Exception

    This exception is thrown when the server is unable to listen on a port

  13. trait ServerProcess extends AnyRef

    Abstracts a JVM process so it can be mocked for testing or to isolate pseudo-processes within a VM.

    Abstracts a JVM process so it can be mocked for testing or to isolate pseudo-processes within a VM. Code using this class should use the methods in this class instead of methods like System.getProperties(), System.exit(), etc.

  14. trait ServerProvider extends AnyRef

    An object that knows how to obtain a server.

    An object that knows how to obtain a server. Instantiating a ServerProvider object should be fast and side-effect free. Any actual work that a ServerProvider needs to do should be delayed until the createServer method is called.

  15. final case class ServerStartException(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Indicates an issue with starting a server, e.g.

    Indicates an issue with starting a server, e.g. a problem reading its configuration.

  16. trait WebSocketable extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AkkaHttpServer extends ServerFromRouter

    Creates an AkkaHttpServer from the given router:

    Creates an AkkaHttpServer from the given router:

    val server = AkkaHttpServer.fromRouter(ServerConfig(port = Some(9002))) {
      case GET(p"/") => Action {

    Or from a given router using BuiltInComponents:

    val server = AkkaHttpServer.fromRouterWithComponents(ServerConfig(port = Some(9002))) { components =>
      import play.api.mvc.Results._
      import components.{ defaultActionBuilder => Action }
        case GET(p"/") => Action {

    Use this together with Sird Router.

  2. object DevServerStart

    Used to start servers in 'dev' mode, a mode where the application is reloaded whenever its source changes.

  3. object Jdk extends NettyTransport with Product with Serializable
  4. object Native extends NettyTransport with Product with Serializable
  5. object NettyServer extends ServerFromRouter

    Create a Netty server from the given router and server config:

    Create a Netty server from the given router and server config:

    val server = Netty.fromRouter(ServerConfig(port = Some(9002))) {
      case GET(p"/") => Action {

    Or from a given router using BuiltInComponents:

    val server = NettyServer.fromRouterWithComponents(ServerConfig(port = Some(9002))) { components =>
      import play.api.mvc.Results._
      import components.{ defaultActionBuilder => Action }
        case GET(p"/") => Action {

    Use this together with Sird Router.

  6. object ProdServerStart

    Used to start servers in 'prod' mode, the mode that is used in production.

    Used to start servers in 'prod' mode, the mode that is used in production. The application is loaded and started immediately.

  7. object Server

    Utilities for creating a server that runs around a block of code.

  8. object ServerConfig extends Serializable
  9. object ServerProvider
