Class TypedMap

  • public final class TypedMap
    extends Object
    A TypedMap is an immutable map containing typed values. Each entry is associated with a TypedKey that can be used to look up the value. A TypedKey also defines the type of the value, e.g. a TypedKey<String> would be associated with a String value.

    Instances of this class are created with the empty() method.

    The elements inside TypedMaps cannot be enumerated. This is a decision designed to enforce modularity. It's not possible to accidentally or intentionally access a value in a TypedMap without holding the corresponding TypedKey.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TypedMap

        public TypedMap​(play.api.libs.typedmap.TypedMap underlying)
    • Method Detail

      • asScala

        public play.api.libs.typedmap.TypedMap asScala()
        the underlying Scala TypedMap which this instance wraps.
      • get

        public <A> A get​(TypedKey<A> key)
        Get a value from the map, throwing an exception if it is not present.
        Type Parameters:
        A - The type of value to retrieve.
        key - The key for the value to retrieve.
        The value, if it is present in the map.
        NoSuchElementException - If the value isn't present in the map.
      • getOptional

        public <A> Optional<A> getOptional​(TypedKey<A> key)
        Get a value from the map, returning an empty Optional if it is not present.
        Type Parameters:
        A - The type of value to retrieve.
        key - The key for the value to retrieve.
        An Optional, with the value present if it is in the map.
      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(TypedKey<?> key)
        Check if the map contains a value with the given key.
        key - The key to check for.
        True if the value is present, false otherwise.
      • put

        public <A> TypedMap put​(TypedKey<A> key,
                                A value)
        Update the map with the given key and value, returning a new instance of the map.
        Type Parameters:
        A - The type of value.
        key - The key to set.
        value - The value to use.
        A new instance of the map with the new entry added.
      • putAll

        public TypedMap putAll​(TypedEntry<?> e1)
        Update the map with one entry, returning a new instance of the map.
        e1 - The new entry to add to the map.
        A new instance of the map with the new entry added.
      • putAll

        public TypedMap putAll​(TypedEntry<?> e1,
                               TypedEntry<?> e2)
        Update the map with two entries, returning a new instance of the map.
        e1 - The first new entry to add to the map.
        e2 - The second new entry to add to the map.
        A new instance of the map with the new entries added.
      • putAll

        public TypedMap putAll​(TypedEntry<?> e1,
                               TypedEntry<?> e2,
                               TypedEntry<?> e3)
        Update the map with three entries, returning a new instance of the map.
        e1 - The first new entry to add to the map.
        e2 - The second new entry to add to the map.
        e3 - The third new entry to add to the map.
        A new instance of the map with the new entries added.
      • putAll

        public TypedMap putAll​(TypedEntry<?>... entries)
        Update the map with several entries, returning a new instance of the map.
        entries - The new entries to add to the map.
        A new instance of the map with the new entries added.
      • putAll

        public TypedMap putAll​(List<TypedEntry<?>> entries)
        Update the map with several entries, returning a new instance of the map.
        entries - The new entries to add to the map.
        A new instance of the map with the new entries added.
      • remove

        public TypedMap remove​(TypedKey<?> k1)
        Removes a key from the map, returning a new instance of the map.
        k1 - The key to remove.
        A new instance of the map with the entry removed.
      • remove

        public TypedMap remove​(TypedKey<?> k1,
                               TypedKey<?> k2)
        Removes two keys from the map, returning a new instance of the map.
        k1 - The first key to remove.
        k2 - The second key to remove.
        A new instance of the map with the entries removed.
      • remove

        public TypedMap remove​(TypedKey<?> k1,
                               TypedKey<?> k2,
                               TypedKey<?> k3)
        Removes three keys from the map, returning a new instance of the map.
        k1 - The first key to remove.
        k2 - The second key to remove.
        k3 - The third key to remove.
        A new instance of the map with the entries removed.
      • remove

        public TypedMap remove​(TypedKey<?>... keys)
        Removes keys from the map, returning a new instance of the map.
        keys - The keys to remove.
        A new instance of the map with the entries removed.
      • empty

        public static TypedMap empty()
        the empty TypedMap instance.
      • create

        public static TypedMap create​(TypedEntry<?> e1)
        e1 - typed entry
        a newly built TypedMap from a entry of key and value.
      • create

        public static TypedMap create​(TypedEntry<?> e1,
                                      TypedEntry<?> e2)
        e1 - first typed entry
        e2 - second typed entry
        a newly built TypedMap from a two entries of keys and values.
      • create

        public static TypedMap create​(TypedEntry<?> e1,
                                      TypedEntry<?> e2,
                                      TypedEntry<?> e3)
        e1 - first typed entry
        e2 - second typed entry
        e3 - third typed entry
        a newly built TypedMap from a three entries of keys and values.
      • create

        public static TypedMap create​(TypedEntry<?>... entries)
        entries - the list of typed entries
        a newly built TypedMap from a list of keys and values.