Package play.mvc

Class BodyParser.MaxLengthBodyParser<A>

    • Constructor Detail

      • MaxLengthBodyParser

        protected MaxLengthBodyParser​(long maxLength,
                                      HttpErrorHandler errorHandler)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public Accumulator<ByteString,​F.Either<Result,​A>> apply​(Http.RequestHeader request)
        Description copied from interface: BodyParser
        Return an accumulator to parse the body of the given HTTP request.

        The accumulator should either produce a result if an error was encountered, or the parsed body.

        Specified by:
        apply in interface BodyParser<A>
        request - The request to create the body parser for.
        The accumulator to parse the body.
      • apply1

        protected abstract Accumulator<ByteString,​F.Either<Result,​A>> apply1​(Http.RequestHeader request)
        Implement this method to implement the actual body parser.
        request - header for the request to parse
        the accumulator that parses the request