
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.6.0-M2 development release. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Play 2.6 Migration Guide

This is a guide for migrating from Play 2.5 to Play 2.6. If you need to migrate from an earlier version of Play then you must first follow the Play 2.5 Migration Guide.

§How to migrate

The following steps need to be taken to update your sbt build before you can load/run a Play project in sbt.

§Play upgrade

Update the Play version number in project/plugins.sbt to upgrade Play:

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.6.x")

Where the “x” in 2.6.x is the minor version of Play you want to use, per instance 2.6.0.

§sbt upgrade to 0.13.13

Although Play 2.6 will still work with sbt 0.13.11, we recommend upgrading to the latest sbt version, 0.13.13. The 0.13.13 release of sbt has a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Update your project/ so that it reads:


§Guice DI support moved to separate module

In Play 2.6, the core Play module no longer includes Guice. You will need to configure the Guice module by adding guice to your libraryDependencies:

libraryDependencies += guice

§OpenID support moved to separate module

In Play 2.6, the core Play module no longer includes the OpenID support in play.api.libs.openid (Scala) and play.libs.openid (Java). To use these packages add openId to your libraryDependencies:

libraryDependencies += openId

§Play JSON moved to separate project

Play JSON has been moved to a separate library hosted at Since Play JSON has no dependencies on the rest of Play, the main change is that the json value from PlayImport will no longer work in your SBT build. Instead, you’ll have to specify the library manually:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-json" % "2.6.0"

Also, Play JSON has a separate versioning scheme, so the version no longer is in sync with the Play version.

§Play Iteratees moved to separate project

Play Iteratees has been moved to a separate library hosted at Since Play Iteratees has no dependencies on the rest of Play, the main change is that the you’ll have to specify the library manually:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-iteratees" % "2.6.1"

The project also has a sub project that integrates Iteratees with Reactive Streams. You may need to add the following dependency as well:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-iteratees-reactive-streams" % "2.6.1"

Note: The helper class play.api.libs.streams.Streams was moved to play-iteratees-reactive-streams and now is called play.api.libs.iteratee.streams.IterateeStreams. So you may need to add the Iteratees dependencies and also use the new class where necessary.

Finally, Play Iteratees has a separate versioning scheme, so the version no longer is in sync with the Play version.

§Writeable[JsValue] changes

Previously, the default Scala Writeable[JsValue] allowed you to define an implicit Codec, which would allow you to write using a different charset. This could be a problem since application/json does not act like text-based content types. It only allows Unicode charsets (UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32) and does not define a charset parameter like many text-based content types.

Now, the default Writeable[JsValue] takes no implicit parameters and always writes to UTF-8. This covers the majority of cases, since most users want to use UTF-8 for JSON. It also allows us to easily use more efficient built-in methods for writing JSON to a byte array.

If you need the old behavior back, you can define a Writeable with an arbitrary codec using play.api.http.Writeable.writeableOf_JsValue(codec, contentType) for your desired Codec and Content-Type.

§Scala ActionBuilder and BodyParser changes:

The Scala ActionBuilder trait has been modified to specify the type of the body as a type parameter, and add an abstract parser member as the default body parsers. You will need to modify your ActionBuilders and pass the body parser directly.

The Action global object and BodyParsers.parse are now deprecated. They are replaced by injectable traits, DefaultActionBuilder and PlayBodyParsers respectively.

To provide a mostly source-compatible API, controllers can extend the AbstractController class and pass through the ControllerComponents in the constructor:

class FooController @Inject() (components: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(components) {
  // Action and parse now use the injected components
  def foo = Action(parse.text) {

This trait makes Action and parse refer to injected instances rather than the global objects.

ControllerComponents is simply meant to bundle together components typically used in a controller. You may also wish to create your own base controller for your app by extending BaseController and injecting your own bundle of components (though Play does not require controllers to implement any particular trait).


User-facing APIs are generally the same, but we suggest moving over to the AssetsFinder API for finding assets and setting up your assets directories in configuration:

play.assets {
  path = "/public"
  urlPrefix = "/assets"

Then in routes you can do:

# prefix must match `play.assets.urlPrefix`
/versionedAssets/*file  controllers.Assets.versioned(file)

You no longer need to provide an assets path at the start of the argument list, since that’s now read from configuration.

Then in your template you can use AssetsFinder#path to find the final path of the asset:

@(assets: AssetsFinder)

<img alt="hamburger" src="@assets.path("images/hamburger.jpg")">

You can still continue to use reverse routes with Assets.versioned, but some global state is required to convert the asset name you provide to the final asset name, which can be problematic if you want to run multiple applications at once.

§Java Form Changes

The .errors() method of a instance is now deprecated. You should use allErrors() instead now which returns a simple List<ValidationError> instead of a Map<String,List<ValidationError>>. Where before Play 2.6 you called .errors().get("key") you can now simply call .errors("key").

§JPA Migration Notes

See JPA migration notes.

§I18n Migration Notes

See I18N API Migration.

§Cache APIs Migration Notes

See Cache APIs Migration

§Removed APIs

§Removed Crypto API

The Crypto API has removed the deprecated class play.api.libs.Crypto and play.libs.Crypto and AESCTRCrypter. The CSRF references to Crypto have been replaced by CSRFTokenSigner. The session cookie references to Crypto have been replaced with CookieSigner. Please see CryptoMigration25 for more information.

§Removed Yaml API

We removed play.libs.Yaml since there was no use of it inside of play anymore.
If you still need support for the Play YAML integration you need to add snakeyaml in you build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.yaml" % "snakeyaml" % "1.17"

And create the following Wrapper in your Code:

public class Yaml {

    private final play.Environment environment;

    public Yaml(play.Environment environment) {
        this.environment = environment;

     * Load a Yaml file from the classpath.
    public Object load(String resourceName) {
        return load(

     * Load the specified InputStream as Yaml.
     * @param classloader The classloader to use to instantiate Java objects.
    public Object load(InputStream is, ClassLoader classloader) {
        org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml yaml = new org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml(new CustomClassLoaderConstructor(classloader));
        return yaml.load(is);


If you explicitly depend on an alternate DI library for play, or have defined your own custom application loader, no changes should be required.

Libraries that provide Play DI support should define the play.application.loader configuration key. If no external DI library is provided, Play will refuse to start unless you point that to an ApplicationLoader.

§Removed libraries

In order to make the default play distribution a bit smaller we removed some libraries.
The following libraries are no longer dependencies in Play 2.6, so you will need to manually add them to your build if you use them.

§Joda-Time removal

If you can, you could migrate all occurrences to Java8 java.time.

If you can’t and still need to use Joda-Time in Play Forms and Play-Json you can just add the play-joda project:

libraryDependencies += "" % "play-joda" % "1.0.0"

And then import the corresponding Object for Forms:


or for Play-Json


§Joda-Convert removal

Play had some internal uses of joda-convert if you used it in your project you need to add it to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.joda" % "joda-convert" % "1.8.1"

§XercesImpl removal

For XML handling Play used the Xerces XML Library. Since modern JVM are using Xerces as a reference implementation we removed it.
If your project relies on the external package you can simply add it to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "xerces" % "xercesImpl" % "2.11.0"

§H2 removal

Prior versions of Play prepackaged the H2 database. But to make the core of Play smaller we removed it.
If you make use of h2 you can add it to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.4.193"

If you only used it in your test you can also just use the Test scope:

libraryDependencies += "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.4.193" % Test

The H2 Browser will still work after you added the dependency.

§snakeyaml removal

Play removed play.libs.Yaml and therefore the dependency on snakeyaml was dropped.
If you still use it add it to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.yaml" % "snakeyaml" % "1.17"

§Tomcat-servlet-api removal

Play removed the tomcat-servlet-api since it was of no use.

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.tomcat" % "tomcat-servlet-api" % "8.0.33"

§Akka Migration

The deprecated static methods play.libs.Akka.system and play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka.system were removed. Please dependency inject an ActorSystem instance for access to the actor system.

For Scala:

class MyComponent @Inject() (system: ActorSystem) {


And for Java:

public class MyComponent {

    private final ActorSystem system;

    public MyComponent(ActorSystem system) {
        this.system = system;

§Request attributes

All request objects now contain attributes. Request attributes are a replacement for request tags. Tags have now been deprecated and you should upgrade to attributes. Attributes are more powerful than tags; you can use attributes to store objects in requests, whereas tags only supported storing strings.

§Request tags deprecation

Tags have been deprecated so you should start migrating from using tags to using attributes. Migration should be fairly straightforward.

The easiest migration path is to migrate from a tag to an attribute with a String type.

Java before:

// Getting a tag from a Request or RequestHeader
String userName = req.tags().get("userName");
// Setting a tag on a Request or RequestHeader
req.tags().put("userName", newName);
// Setting a tag with a RequestBuilder
Request builtReq = requestBuilder.tag("userName", newName).build();

Java after:

class Attrs {
  public static final TypedKey<String> USER_NAME = TypedKey.<String>create("userName");
// Getting an attribute from a Request or RequestHeader
String userName = req.attrs().get(Attrs.USER_NAME);
String userName = req.attrs().getOptional(Attrs.USER_NAME);
// Setting an attribute on a Request or RequestHeader
Request newReq = req.withTags(req.tags().put(Attrs.USER_NAME, newName));
// Setting an attribute with a RequestBuilder
Request builtReq = requestBuilder.attr(Attrs.USER_NAME, newName).build();

Scala before:

// Getting a tag from a Request or RequestHeader
val userName: String = req.tags("userName")
val optUserName: Option[String] = req.tags.get("userName")
// Setting a tag on a Request or RequestHeader
val newReq = req.copy(tags = req.tags.updated("userName", newName))

Scala after:

object Attrs {
  val UserName: TypedKey[String] = TypedKey[String]("userName")
// Getting an attribute from a Request or RequestHeader
val userName: String = req.attrs(Attrs.UserName)
val optUserName: [String] = req.attrs.get(Attrs.UserName)
// Setting an attribute on a Request or RequestHeader
val newReq = req.withAttrs(req.attrs.updated(Attrs.UserName, newName))

However, if appropriate, we recommend you convert your String tags into attributes with non-String values. Converting your tags into non-String objects has several benefits. First, you will make your code more type-safe. This will increase your code’s reliability and make it easier to understand. Second, the objects you store in attributes can contain multiple properties, allowing you to aggregate multiple tags into a single value. Third, converting tags into attributes means you don’t need to encode and decode values from Strings, which may increase performance.

class Attrs {
  public static final TypedKey<User> USER = TypedKey.<User>create("user");

Scala after:

object Attrs {
  val UserName: TypedKey[User] = TypedKey[User]("user")

§Calling FakeRequest.withCookies no longer updates the Cookies header

Internally request cookies are now stored in a request attribute. Previously they were stored in the request’s Cookie header String. This required encoding and decoding the cookie to the header whenever the cookie changed.

Now that cookies are stored in request attributes updating the cookie will change the new cookie attribute but not the Cookie HTTP header. This will only affect your tests if you’re relying on the fact that calling withCookies will update the header.

If you still need the old behavior you can still use Cookies.encodeCookieHeader to convert the Cookie objects into an HTTP header then store the header with FakeRequest.withHeaders.

§play.api.mvc.Security.username (Scala API), session.username config key and dependent actions helpers are deprecated

Security.username just retrieves the session.username key from configuration, which defined the session key used to get the username. It was removed since it required statics to work, and it’s fairly easy to implement the same or similar behavior yourself.

You can read the username session key from configuration yourself using configuration.get[String]("session.username").

If you’re using the Authenticated(String => EssentialAction) method, you can easily create your own action to do something similar:

  def AuthenticatedWithUsername(action: String => EssentialAction) =

where UsernameKey represents the session key you want to use for the username.

§Request Security (Java API) username property is now an attribute

The Java Request object contains a username property which is set when the Security.Authenticated annotation is added to a Java action. In Play 2.6 the username property has been deprecated. The username property methods have been updated to store the username in the Security.USERNAME attribute. You should update your code to use the Security.USERNAME attribute directly. In a future version of Play we will remove the username property.

The reason for this change is that the username property was provided as a special case for the Security.Authenticated annotation. Now that we have attributes we don’t need a special case anymore.

Existing Java code:

// Set the username
Request reqWithUsername = req.withUsername("admin");
// Get the username
String username = req1.username();
// Set the username with a builder
Request reqWithUsername = new RequestBuilder().username("admin").build();

Updated Java code:

import play.mvc.Security.USERNAME;

// Set the username
Request reqWithUsername = req.withAttr(USERNAME, "admin");
// Get the username
String username = req1.attr(USERNAME);
// Set the username with a builder
Request reqWithUsername = new RequestBuilder().putAttr(USERNAME, "admin").build();

§Router tags are now attributes

If you used any of the Router.Tags.* tags, you should change your code to use the new Router.Attrs.HandlerDef (Scala) or Router.Attrs.HANDLER_DEF (Java) attribute instead. The existing tags are still available, but are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Play.

This new attribute contains a HandlerDef object with all the information that is currently in the tags. The current tags all correspond to a field in the HandlerDef object:

Java tag name Scala tag name HandlerDef method
ROUTE_PATTERN RoutePattern path
ROUTE_VERB RouteVerb verb
ROUTE_CONTROLLER RouteController controller
ROUTE_ACTION_METHOD RouteActionMethod method
ROUTE_COMMENTS RouteComments comments

Note: As part of this change the HandlerDef object has been moved from the play.core.routing internal package into the play.api.routing public API package.

§Remove deprecated play.Routes

The deprecated play.Routes class used to create a JavaScript router were removed. You now have to use the new Java or Scala helpers:

§play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution is deprecated

The play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution class has been deprecated, as it was using global mutable state under the hood to pull the “current” application’s ExecutionContext.

If you want to specify the implicit behavior that you had previously, then you should pass in the execution context implicitly in the constructor using dependency injection:

class MyController @Inject()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {


or from BuiltInComponents if you are using compile time dependency injection:

class MyComponentsFromContext(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
  extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) {
  val myComponent: MyComponent = new MyComponent(executionContext)

However, there are some good reasons why you may not want to import an execution context even in the general case. In the general case, the application’s execution context is good for rendering actions, and executing CPU-bound activities that do not involve blocking API calls or I/O activity. If you are calling out to a database, or making network calls, then you may want to define your own custom execution context.

The recommended way to create a custom execution context is through CustomExecutionContext, which uses the Akka dispatcher system (java / scala) so that executors can be defined through configuration.

To use your own execution context, extend the CustomExecutionContext abstract class with the full path to the dispatcher in the application.conf file:

import play.api.libs.concurrent.CustomExecutionContext

class MyExecutionContext @Inject()(actorSystem: ActorSystem)
 extends CustomExecutionContext(actorSystem, "")
import play.libs.concurrent.CustomExecutionContext;
class MyExecutionContext extends CustomExecutionContext {
   public MyExecutionContext(ActorSystem actorSystem) {
     super(actorSystem, "");

and then inject your custom execution context as appropriate:

class MyBlockingRepository @Inject()(implicit myExecutionContext: MyExecutionContext) {
   // do things with custom execution context

Please see ThreadPools page for more information on custom execution contexts.

§Changes to play.api.test Helpers

The following deprecated test helpers have been removed in 2.6.x:

§Java API

§Changes to Template Helpers

The requireJs template helper in views/helper/requireJs.scala.html used Play.maybeApplication to access the configuration.

The requireJs template helper has an extra parameter isProd added to it that indicates whether the minified version of the helper should be used:

@requireJs(core ="javascripts/require.js").url, module ="javascripts/main").url, isProd = true)

§Changes to File Extension to MIME Type Mapping

The mapping of file extensions to MIME types has been moved to reference.conf so it is covered entirely through configuration, under play.http.fileMimeTypes setting. Previously the list was hardcoded under play.api.libs.MimeTypes.

Note that play.http.fileMimeTypes configuration setting is defined using triple quotes as a single string – this is because several file extensions have syntax that breaks HOCON, such as c++.

To append a custom MIME type, use HOCON string value concatenation:

play.http.fileMimeTypes = ${play.http.fileMimeTypes} """

There is a syntax that allows configurations defined as for additional MIME types. This is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use the above configuration.

§Java API

There is a Http.Context.current().fileMimeTypes() method that is provided under the hood to Results.sendFile and other methods that look up content types from file extensions. No migration is necessary.

§Scala API

The play.api.libs.MimeTypes class has been changed to play.api.http.FileMimeTypes interface, and the implementation has changed to play.api.http.DefaultMimeTypes.

All the results that send files or resources now take FileMimeTypes implicitly, i.e.

implicit val fileMimeTypes: FileMimeTypes = ...
Ok(file) // <-- takes implicit FileMimeTypes

An implicit instance of FileMimeTypes is provided by AbstractController through the ControllerComponents class, to provide a convenient binding:

class SendFileController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {

  def index() = Action { implicit request =>
     val file = readFile()
     Ok(file)  // <-- takes implicit FileMimeTypes

You can also get a fully configured FileMimeTypes instance directly in a unit test:

val httpConfiguration = new HttpConfigurationProvider(Configuration.load(Environment.simple)).get
val fileMimeTypes = new DefaultFileMimeTypesProvider(httpConfiguration.fileMimeTypes).get

Or get a custom one:

val fileMimeTypes = new DefaultFileMimeTypesProvider(FileMimeTypesConfiguration(Map("foo" -> "text/bar"))).get

§Default Filters

Play now comes with a default set of enabled filters, defined through configuration. If the property play.http.filters is null, then the default is now play.api.http.EnabledFilters, which loads up the filters defined by fully qualified class name in the play.filters.enabled configuration property.

In Play itself, play.filters.enabled is an empty list. However, the filters library is automatically loaded in SBT as an AutoPlugin called PlayFilters, and will append the following values to the play.filters.enabled property:

This means that on new projects, CSRF protection (ScalaCsrf / JavaCsrf), SecurityHeaders and AllowedHostsFilter are all defined automatically.

To append to the defaults list, use the +=:


If you have defined your own filters by extending play.api.http.DefaultHttpFilters, then you can also combine EnabledFilters with your own list in code, so if you have previously defined projects, they still work as usual:

class Filters @Inject()(enabledFilters: EnabledFilters, corsFilter: CORSFilter)
  extends DefaultHttpFilters(enabledFilters.filters :+ corsFilter: _*)

§Testing Default Filters

Because there are several filters enabled, functional tests may need to change slightly to ensure that all the tests pass and requests are valid. For example, a request that does not have a Host HTTP header set to localhost will not pass the AllowedHostsFilter and will return a 400 Forbidden response instead.

§Testing with AllowedHostsFilter

Because the AllowedHostsFilter filter is added automatically, functional tests need to have the Host HTTP header added.

If you are using FakeRequest or Helpers.fakeRequest, then the Host HTTP header is added for you automatically. If you are using play.mvc.Http.RequestBuilder, then you may need to add your own line to add the header manually:

RequestBuilder request = new RequestBuilder()
        .header(HeaderNames.HOST, "localhost")

§Testing with CSRFFilter

Because the CSRFFilter filter is added automatically, tests that render a Twirl template that includes CSRF.formField, i.e.

@(userForm: Form[UserData])(implicit request: RequestHeader, m: Messages)

<h1>user form</h1>


@helper.form(action = routes.UserController.userPost()) {
  <input type="submit" value="submit"/>

must contain a CSRF token in the request. In the Scala API, this is done by importing play.api.test.CSRFTokenHelper._, which enriches play.api.test.FakeRequest with the withCSRFToken method:

import play.api.test.CSRFTokenHelper._

class UserControllerSpec extends PlaySpec with GuiceOneAppPerTest {
  "UserController GET" should {

    "render the index page from the application" in {
      val controller = app.injector.instanceOf[UserController]
      val request = FakeRequest().withCSRFToken
      val result = controller.userGet().apply(request)

      status(result) mustBe OK
      contentType(result) mustBe Some("text/html")

In the Java API, this is done by calling CSRFTokenHelper.addCSRFToken on a play.mvc.Http.RequestBuilder instance:

requestBuilder = CSRFTokenHelper.addCSRFToken(requestBuilder);

§Disabling Default Filters

The simplest way to disable the default filters is to set the list of filters manually in application.conf:


This may be useful if you have functional tests that you do not want to go through the default filters.

If you want to remove all filter classes, you can disable it through the disablePlugins mechanism:

lazy val root =".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala).disablePlugins(PlayFilters)

or by replacing EnabledFilters:


If you are writing functional tests involving GuiceApplicationBuilder and the AllowedHostsFilter is interfering with tests and causing 400 status errors, then you can disable it using configure:

GuiceApplicationBuilder().configure("play.http.filters" -> "play.api.http.NoHttpFilters")

§Compile Time Default Filters

If you are using compile time dependency injection, then the default filters are resolved at compile time, rather than through runtime.

This means that the BuiltInComponents trait now contains an httpFilters method which is left abstract:

trait BuiltInComponents {

  /** A user defined list of filters that is appended to the default filters */
  def httpFilters: Seq[EssentialFilter]

The default list of filters is defined in play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents:

trait HttpFiltersComponents
     extends CSRFComponents
     with SecurityHeadersComponents
     with AllowedHostsComponents {
   def httpFilters: Seq[EssentialFilter] = Seq(csrfFilter, securityHeadersFilter, allowedHostsFilter)

In most cases you will want to mixin HttpFiltersComponents and append your own filters:

class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
  extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
  with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents {

  lazy val loggingFilter = new LoggingFilter()
  override def httpFilters = {
    super.httpFilters :+ loggingFilter

If you want to filter elements out of the list, you can do the following:

class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
  extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
  with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents {
  override def httpFilters = {
    super.httpFilters.filterNot(_.getClass == classOf[CSRFFilter])

§Disabling Compile Time Default Filters

To disable the default filters, mixin play.api.NoHttpFiltersComponents:

class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
   extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
   with NoHttpFiltersComponents
   with AssetsComponents {

  lazy val homeController = new HomeController(controllerComponents)
  lazy val router = new Routes(httpErrorHandler, homeController, assets)

§Updated libraries


The FluentLenium library was updated to version 3.1.1 and as a result the underlying Selenium version changed to 3.0.1. If you were using Selenium’s WebDriver API before, there shouldn’t be anything to do. Please check this announcement for further information.
If you were using the FluentLenium library you might have to change some syntax to get your tests working again. Please see FluentLenium’s Migration Guide for more details about how to adapt your code.

§Other Configuration changes

There are some configurations. The old configuration paths will generally still work, but a deprecation warning will be output at runtime if you use them. Here is a summary of the changed keys:

Old key New key
play.crypto.secret play.http.secret.key
play.crypto.provider play.http.secret.provider

Next: Messages Migration