
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.7.0-M3 development release. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Play 2.7 Migration Guide

This is a guide for migrating from Play 2.6 to Play 2.7. If you need to migrate from an earlier version of Play then you must first follow the Play 2.6 Migration Guide.

§How to migrate

The following steps need to be taken to update your sbt build before you can load/run a Play project in sbt.

§Play upgrade

Update the Play version number in project/plugins.sbt to upgrade Play:

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.7.x")

Where the “x” in 2.7.x is the minor version of Play you want to use, for instance 2.7.0.

§sbt upgrade to 1.1.6

Although Play 2.7 still supports sbt 0.13 series, we recommend that you use sbt 1 from now. This new version is actively maintained and supported. To update, change your project/ so that it reads:


At the time of this writing 1.1.6 is the latest version in the sbt 1 family, you may be able to use newer versions too. Check for details in the release notes of your minor version of Play 2.7.x. More information at the list of sbt releases.

§Deprecated APIs were removed

Many deprecated APIs were removed in Play 2.7. If you are still using them, we recommend migrating to the new APIs before upgrading to Play 2.7. Both Javadocs and Scaladocs usually have proper documentation on how to migrate.

§play.allowGlobalApplication defaults to false

play.allowGlobalApplication = false is set by default in Play 2.7.0. This means Play.current will throw an exception when called. You can set this to true to make Play.current and other deprecated static helpers work again, but be aware that this feature will be removed in future versions.

In the future, if you still need to use static instances of application components, you can use static injection to inject them using Guice, or manually set static fields on startup in your application loader. These approaches should be forward compatible with future versions of Play, as long as you are careful never to run apps concurrently (e.g., in tests).

§Guice compatibility changes

Guice was upgraded to version 4.2.0, which causes the following breaking changes:

§play.Logger deprecated

play.Logger has been deprecated in favor of using SLF4J directly. You can create an SLF4J logger with private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(YourClass.class);. If you’d like a more concise solution, you may also consider Project Lombok’s @Slf4j annotation.

If you have a logger entry in your logback.xml referencing the application logger, you may remove it.

<logger name="application" level="DEBUG" />

Each logger should have a unique name matching the name of the class where it is used. In this way, you can configure a different log level for each class. You can also set the log level for a given package. For example, to set the log level for all of the Play’s internal classes to the info level, you can set:

<logger name="play" level="INFO" />

§Evolutions comment syntax changes

Play Evolutions now correctly supports SQL92 comment syntax. This means you can write evolutions using -- at the beginning of a line instead of # wherever you choose. Newly generated evolutions using the Evolutions API will now also use SQL92-style comment syntax in all areas. Documentation has also been updated accordingly to prefer the SQL92 style, though the older comment style is still fully supported.

§StaticRoutesGenerator removed

The StaticRoutesGenerator, which was deprecated in 2.6.0, has been removed. If you are still using it, you will likely have to remove a line like this, so your build compiles:

routesGenerator := StaticRoutesGenerator

Then you should migrate your static controllers to use classes with instance methods.

If you were using the StaticRoutesGenerator with dependency-injected controllers, you likely want to remove the @ prefix from the controller names. The @ is only needed if you wish to have a new controller instance created on each request using a Provider, instead of having a single instance injected into the router.

§application/javascript as default content type for JavaScript

application/javascript is now the default content-type returned for JavaScript instead of text/javascript. For generated <script> tags, we are now also omitting the type attribute. See more details about omitting type attribute at the HTML 5 specification.

§Router#withPrefix should always add a prefix

Previously, router.withPrefix(prefix) was meant to add a prefix to a router, but still allowed “legacy implementations” to update their existing prefix. Play’s SimpleRouter and other classes followed this behavior. Now all implementations have been updated to add the prefix, so router.withPrefix(prefix) should always return a router that routes s"$prefix/$path" the same way router routes path.

By default, routers are unprefixed, so this will only cause a change in behavior if you are calling withPrefix on a router that has already been returned by withPrefix. To replace a prefix that has already been set on a router, you must call withPrefix on the original unprefixed router rather than the prefixed version.

§Play WS Updates

In Play 2.6, we extracted most of Play-WS into a standalone project that has an independent release cycle. Play-WS now has a significant release that requires some changes in Play itself.

§Scala API

  1. now returns an Option[Duration] instead of an Option[Int].

§Java API:

  1. now returns an Optional<String> instead of a String.
  2. now returns an Optional<String> instead of a String.
  3. now returns an Optional<String> instead of a String.
  4. now returns an Optional<WSScheme instead of a WSScheme.
  5. now returns an Optional<WSSignatureCalculator> instead of a WSSignatureCalculator.
  6. now returns an Optional<Duration> instead of a long.
  7. was removed in favor of using
  8. now returns an Optional<Boolean> instead of a boolean.

Some new methods were added to improve the Java API too:

New method converts a response body into Source<ByteString, ?>. For example:

    .stream() // this returns a CompletionStage<StandaloneWSResponse>

Other methods that were added to improve Java API:

  1. returns the body configured for that request. It can be useful when implementing
  2. returns the method configured for that request.
  3. returns the WSAuth.
  4. sets the WSAuth for that request.
  5. gets the URI for that response.

§HikariCP update and new configuration

HikariCP was updated to the latest version which finally removed the configuration initializationFailFast, replaced by initializationFailTimeout. See HikariCP changelog and documentation for initializationFailTimeout to better understand how to use this configuration.

§HikariCP will not fail fast

Play 2.7 changes the default value for HikariCP’s initializationFailTimeout to -1. That means your application will start even if the database is not available. You can revert to the old behavior by configuring initializationFailTimeout to 1 which will make the pool to fail fast.

If the application is using database Evolutions, then a connection is requested at application startup to verify if there are new evolutions to apply. So this will make the startup fail if the database is not available since a connection is being required. The timeout then will be defined by connectionTimeout (default to 30 seconds).

See more details at SettingsJDBC.

§BoneCP removed

BoneCP is removed. If your application is configured to use BoneCP, you need to switch to HikariCP which is the default JDBC connection pool.

play.db.pool = "default"  # Use the default connection pool provided by the platform (HikariCP)
play.db.pool = "hikaricp" # Use HikariCP

You may need to reconfigure the pool to use HikariCP. For example, if you want to configure the maximum number of connections for HikariCP, it would be as follows.

play.db.prototype.hikaricp.maximumPoolSize = 15

For more details, see JDBC configuration section.

Also, you can use your own pool that implements play.api.db.ConnectionPool by specifying the fully-qualified class name.


§Application Loader API changes

If you are using a custom ApplicationLoader there is a chance you are manually creating instances of this loader when running the tests. To do that, you first need to create an instance of ApplicationLoader.Context, for example:

val env = Environment.simple()
val context = ApplicationLoader.Context(
  environment = env,
  sourceMapper = None,
  webCommands = new DefaultWebCommands(),
  initialConfiguration = Configuration.load(env),
  lifecycle = new DefaultApplicationLifecycle()
val loader = new MyApplicationLoader()
val application = loader.load(context)

But the ApplicationLoader.Context apply method used in the code above is now deprecated and throws an exception when webCommands is not null. The new code should be:

val env = Environment.simple()
val context = ApplicationLoader.Context.create(env)
val loader = new GreetingApplicationLoader()
val application = loader.load(context)

§Java Http changes

Multiple changes were made to Http.Context.

§Http.Context Request tags removed from args

Request tags, which have been deprecated in Play 2.6, have finally been removed in Play 2.7.
Therefore the args map of a Http.Context instance no longer contains these removed request tags as well.
Instead you can use the contextObj.request().attrs() method now, which provides you the equivalent request attributes.

§Http.Response deprecated

Http.Response was deprecated with other accesses methods to it. It was mainly used to add headers and cookies, but these are already available in play.mvc.Result and then the API got a little confused. For Play 2.7, you should migrate code like:

// This uses the deprecated response() APIs
public Result index1() {
    response().setHeader("Header", "Value");
    response().setCookie(Http.Cookie.builder("Cookie", "cookie value").build());
    return ok("Hello World");

Should be written as:

public Result index2() {
    return ok("Hello World")
            .withHeader("Header", "value")
            .withCookies(Http.Cookie.builder("Cookie", "cookie value").build())

If you have action composition that depends on Http.Context.response, you can also rewrite it like. For example, the code below:

import play.mvc.Action;
import play.mvc.Http;
import play.mvc.Result;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;

public class MyAction extends Action.Simple {

    public CompletionStage<Result> call(Http.Context ctx) {
        ctx.response().setHeader("Name", "Value");

Should be written as:

import play.mvc.Action;
import play.mvc.Http;
import play.mvc.Result;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;

public class MyAction extends Action.Simple {

    public CompletionStage<Result> call(Http.Context ctx) {
                .thenApply(result -> result.withHeader("Name", "Value"));

§All Java form validate methods need to be migrated to class-level constraints

The “old” validate methods of a Java form will not be executed anymore.
Like announced in the Play 2.6 Migration Guide you have to migrate such validate methods to class-level constraints.

Important: When upgrading to Play 2.7 you will not see any compiler warnings indicating that you have to migrate your validate methods (because Play executed them via reflection).

§The Java Cache API get method has been deprecated in favor of getOptional

The getOptional methods of the Java cacheApi return their results wrapped in an Optional.

Changes in play.cache.SyncCacheApi:

deprecated method new method
<T> T get(String key) <T> Optional<T> getOptional(String key)

Changes in play.cache.AsyncCacheApi:

deprecated method new method
<T> CompletionStage<T> get(String key) <T> CompletionStage<Optional<T>> getOptional(String key)

§SecurityHeadersFilter’s contentSecurityPolicy deprecated for CSPFilter

The SecurityHeaders filter has a contentSecurityPolicy property: this is deprecated in 2.7.0. contentSecurityPolicy has been changed from default-src 'self' to null – the default setting of null means that a Content-Security-Policy header will not be added to HTTP responses from the SecurityHeaders filter. Please use the new CSPFilter to enable CSP functionality.

If play.filters.headers.contentSecurityPolicy is not null, you will receive a warning. It is technically possible to have contentSecurityPolicy and the new CSPFilter active at the same time, but this is not recommended.

You can enable the new CSPFilter by adding it to the play.filters.enabled property:

play.filters.enabled += play.filters.csp.CSPFilter

NOTE: You will want to review the Content Security Policy closely to ensure it meets your needs. The new CSPFilter is notably more permissive than default-src ‘self’, and is based off the Google Strict CSP configuration. You can use the report-only functionality with a CSP report controller to review policy violations.

Please see the documentation in CSPFilter for more information.

§play.mvc.Results.TODO moved to play.mvc.Controller.TODO

All Play’s error pages have been updated to render a CSP nonce if the CSP filter is present. This means that the error page templates must take a request as a parameter. In 2.6.x, the TODO field was previously rendered as a static result instead of an action with an HTTP context, and so may have been called outside the controller. In 2.7.0, the TODO field has been removed, and there is now a TODO() method in play.mvc.Controller instead:

public abstract class Controller extends Results implements Status, HeaderNames {
    public static Result TODO() {
        play.mvc.Http.Request request = Http.Context.current().request();
        return status(NOT_IMPLEMENTED, views.html.defaultpages.todo.render(request.asScala()));

§Removed libraries

To make the default play distribution a bit smaller we removed some libraries. The following libraries are no longer dependencies in Play 2.7, so you will need to add them manually to your build if you use them.

§Apache Commons (commons-lang3 and commons-codec)

Play had some internal uses of commons-codec and commons-lang3 if you used it in your project you need to add it to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "commons-codec" % "commons-codec" % "1.10"


libraryDependencies += "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % "3.6"

§Other libraries updates

This section lists significant updates made to our dependencies.

§Guava version updated to 26.0-jre

Play 2.6.x provided 23.0 version of Guava library. Now it is updated to last actual version, 26.0-jre. Lots of changes were made in the library, and you can see the full changelog here.

§specs2 updated to 4.2.0

The previous version was 3.8.x. There are many changes and improvements, so we recommend that you read the release notes for the recent versions of Specs2. The used version updated the Mockito version used to 2.18.x, so we also have updated it.

§Jackson updated to 2.9

Jackson version was updated from 2.8 to 2.9. The release notes for this version are here. It is a release that keeps compatibility, so your application should not be affected. But you may be interested in the new features.

§Hibernate Validator updated to 6.0

Hibernate Validator was updated to version 6.0 which is now compatible with Bean Validation 2.0. See what is new here or read this detailed blog post about the new version.

§Internal changes

Many changes have been made to Play’s internal APIs. These APIs are used internally and don’t follow a normal deprecation process. Changes may be mentioned below to help those who integrate directly with Play internal APIs.

§Server.getHandlerFor has moved to Server#getHandlerFor

The getHandlerFor method on the Server trait was used internally by the Play server code when routing requests. It has been removed and replaced with a method of the same name on the Server object.

§CoordinatedShutdown configuration

The configuration is not supported anymore and adding it does not affect the application shutdown. A warning is logged if it is present. Play now runs all the phases to ensure that all hooks registered in ApplicationLifecycle and all the tasks added to coordinated shutdown are executed. If you need to run CoordinatedShutdown from a specific phase, you can always do it manually:

val reason = CoordinatedShutdown.UnknownReason
val runFromPhase = Some(CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseBeforeClusterShutdown)
val coordinatedShutdown = CoodinatedShutdown(actorSystem).run(reason, runFromPhase)

And for Java:

CoordinatedShutdown.Reason reason = CoordinatedShutdown.unknownReason();
Optional<String> runFromPhase = Optional.of("");
CoordinatedShutdown.get(actorSystem).run(reason, runFromPhase);

§Change in self-signed HTTPS certificate

It is now generated under target/dev-mode/generated.keystore instead of directly on the root folder.

Next: Play 2.6