
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.4.0-M3 development release. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Advanced drivers configuration

§Multiple datasources and drivers

You can load a different datasource than the default, using the DB name parameter:

DB("other").withSession{ implicit session =>
  Users.insert(User("fredrik", "ekholdt"))

But what about the driver configuration if “other” needs another database driver that the default one? When having multiple datasources and drivers it is recommended to use the cake pattern. Do not worry about the scary name it is quite easy.

Have a look in the samples for an example of this or keep reading.

For each table you have, create a self-type of play.api.db.slick.Profile and import everything from the profile value into your table:

trait UserComponent extends Profile { this: Profile =>
   import profile.simple._

   object Users extends Table[User]("USERS") { ... }

Then you just have to put all your tables together into a DAO (data access object) like this:

class DAO(override val profile: ExtendedProfile) extends UserComponent with FooComponent with BarComponent with Profile

Whenever you need to use your database you just new up your DAO and import everything in it and in its profile:

package models

import play.api.db.slick.DB
object current {
  val db = DB("mydb")
  val dao = new DAO(db.driver)

This will load the “mydb” database configuration (datasource and driver) from application.conf

Here is a configuration example for “mydb” :


If you just want the default database settings :

val dao = new DAO(play.api.slick.driver)

In your application.conf you can now do: slick.default="models.current.*"

You can then use it like this:

import current._
import play.api.slick.simple._

DB.withSession{ implicit session =>

Pweeh, there are a certain amount of lines of code there, but works great and scales along with the life cycle of your app: from the start, when you need tests, when you change the DB, …

§Writing tests

To use a test datasource, you can use the inMemoryDatabase helper :

import play.api.test.Helpers._

class DBSpec extends Specification {

  "DB" should {

   "my test" in new WithApplication(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {
        play.api.db.slick.DB.withSession{ implicit session =>


This will use a H2 datasource with this url : “jdbc:h2:mem:play-test”

Off course, you can also use the default datasource :

"default ds" in new WithApplication {
    play.api.db.slick.DB.withSession{ implicit session =>

Or a specific one :

"specific ds" in new WithApplication {
  play.api.db.slick.DB("specific").withSession{ implicit session =>

§Non-free JDBC drivers

If you need to use JDBC drivers for Oracle, DB2 or SQLServer, you can use slick-extensions.

To integrate this extensions into play-slick, you need to :
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick-extensions" % "2.1.0"

Note : Of course, replace the driver from the example above by the driver you need.

Next: Keeping tables separated