
You are viewing the documentation for the 2.4.0-RC1 development release. The latest stable release series is 3.0.x.

§Play 2.4 Migration Guide

This is a guide for migrating from Play 2.3 to Play 2.4. If you need to migrate from an earlier version of Play then you must first follow the Play 2.3 Migration Guide.

§Build changes

The following steps need to be taken to update your sbt build before you can load/run a Play project in sbt.

§Play upgrade

Update the Play version number in project/plugins.sbt to upgrade Play:

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.4.0")

§sbt upgrade

Play 2.4 now requires a minimum of sbt 0.13.8. Update your project/ so that it reads:


§Specs2 support in a separate module

If you were previously using Play’s specs2 support, you now need to explicitly add a dependency on that to your project. Additionally, specs2 now requires scalaz-stream which isn’t available on maven central or any other repositories that sbt uses by default, so you need to add the scalaz-stream repository as a resolver:

libraryDependencies += specs2 % Test

resolvers += "scalaz-bintray" at ""

§IDEs: Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA

Play no longer includes the sbteclipse or sbt-idea plugins, which enables users to upgrade IDE support independently of Play.

Eclipse support can be setup with as little as one extra line to import the plugin. See the documentation for details.

IntelliJ is now able to import sbt projects natively, so we recommend using that instead. Alternatively, the sbt-idea plugin can be manually installed and used, instructions can be found here.

§Play SBT plugin API

The SBT setting key playWatchService has been renamed to fileWatchService.

All classes in the SBT plugin are now in the package play.sbt, this is particularly pertinent if using .scala files to configure your build..

§Ebean dependency

Ebean has been pulled out into an external project, to allow it to have a lifecycle independent of Play’s own lifecycle. The ebean bytecode enhancement functionality has also been extracted out of the Play sbt plugin into its own plugin.

To migrate an existing Play project that uses ebean to use the new external ebean plugin, remove javaEbean from your libraryDependencies in build.sbt, and add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-play-ebean" % "1.0.0")

Additionally, Ebean has been upgraded to 4.2.0, which pulls in a few of the features that Play previously added itself, including the Model class. Consequently, the Play Model class has been deprecated, in favour of using org.avaje.ebean.Model.

§Anorm dependency

Anorm has been pulled out of the core of Play into a separately managed project that can have its own lifecycle. To add a dependency on it, use:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "anorm" % "2.4.0"

For more details about what’s changed in Anorm, see here or Scala.


One of the most disruptive changes with regards to dependency injection is we now support the generation of two styles of routers. The first is the existing static style, this is largely unchanged from the Play 2.3 router. It is a Scala singleton object, and assumes that all the actions that it invokes are either Scala singleton objects, or Java static methods. The second is a dependency injected router, which is a class that declares its dependencies in its constructor. To illustrate the difference between these two routers, consider the following routes file:

GET   /               controllers.Application.index
POST  /save 
GET   /assets/*file   controllers.Assets.versioned(path = "/public", file: Asset)

The static routes generator will generate a router that very roughly (pseudo code) looks like this:

object Routes extends GeneratedRouter {
  def routes = {
    case ("GET", "/") => controllers.Application.index
    case ("POST", "/save") =>
    case ("GET", "/assets/:file") => controllers.Assets.versioned("/public", file)

Meanwhile the injected routes generator will generate a router that very roughly looks like this:

class Routes(application: controllers.Application, assets: controllers.Assets) extends GeneratedRouter {
  def routes = {
    case ("GET", "/") => application.index
    case ("POST", "/save") =>
    case ("GET", "/assets/:file") => assets.versioned("/public", file)

The default is to use the static routes generator. You must use this if you are not ready to migrate all of your Java actions to be non static methods, or your Scala actions to be classes. In most cases, this is quite straight forward to do, in Java it requires deleting the static keyword, in Scala it requires changing the word object to class. The static router still supports the @ operator, which will tell it to look up the action from a runtime Injector, you may find this useful if you are in a transitional period where some of your actions are static and some are injected.

If you wish to switch to the injected generator, add the following to your build settings in build.sbt:

routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator

By default Play will automatically handle the wiring of this router for you using Guice, but depending in the DI approach you’re taking, you may be able to customise it.

The injected routes generator also supports the @ operator on routes, but it has a slightly different meaning (since everything is injected), if you prefix a controller with @, instead of that controller being directly injected, a JSR 330 Provider for that controller will be injected. This can be used, for example, to eliminate circular dependency issues, or if you want a new action instantiated per request.

In addition, Play now, by default, generates the router in the router package, instead of at the root package. This is to aid with dependency injection, so if needed it can be manually created or bound, since classes in the root package can’t usually be referenced.

§Dependency Injected Components

While Play 2.4 won’t force you to use the dependency injected versions of components, we do encourage you to start switching to them. The following tables show old static APIs that use global state and new injected APIs that you should be switching to:


Old API New API Comments
Lang Langs
Messages MessagesApi Using one of the preferred methods, you can get a Messages instance.
DB DBApi or better, Database You can get a particular database using the @NamedDatabase annotation.
Cache CacheApi or better You can get a particular cache using the @NamedCache annotation.
Cached object Cached instance Use an injected instance instead of the companion object. You can use the @NamedCache annotation.
Akka N/A No longer needed, just declare a dependency on ActorSystem
WS WSClient


Old API New API Comments
Lang Langs Instances of Lang objects are still fine to use
Messages MessagesApi Using one of the preferred methods, you can get a Messages instance, and you can then use at to get messages for that lang.
DB DBApi or better, Database You can get a particular database using the @NamedDatabase annotation.
Cache CacheApi You can get a particular cache using the @NamedCache annotation.
Akka N/A No longer needed, just declare a dependency on ActorSystem
WS WSClient

§Configuration changes

Play 2.4 now uses reference.conf to document and specify defaults for all properties. You can easily find these by going here and searching for files called reference.conf.

Additionally, Play has now better namespaced a large number of its configuration properties. The old configuration paths will generally still work, but a deprecation warning will be output at runtime if you use them. Here is a summary of the changed keys:

Old key New key
application.secret play.crypto.secret
application.context play.http.context
session.* play.http.session.*
flash.* play.http.flash.*
application.router play.http.router
application.langs play.i18n.langs
application.lang.cookie play.i18n.langCookieName
parsers.text.maxLength play.http.parser.maxMemoryBuffer
csrf play.filters.csrf
evolutions.* play.evolutions.*
applyEvolutions.<db> play.evolutions.db.<db>.autoApply

§Akka configuration

Play 2.4 now has just one actor system. Before, the internal actor system was configured under play.akka and the Akka plugin was configured under akka. The new combined actor system is configured under akka. There is no actor system configuration under play.akka anymore. However, several Play specific settings are still given under the play.akka prefix.

If you want to change how the actor system is configured, you can set play.akka.config = "my-akka", where my-akka is your chosen configuration prefix.

See the Java or Scala Akka page for more information.


Logging is now configure solely via logback configuration files.

§JDBC connection pool

The default JDBC connection pool is now provided by HikariCP, instead of BoneCP.

To switch back to BoneCP, you can set the play.db.pool property in application.conf:

play.db.pool = bonecp

The full range of configuration options available to the Play connection pools can be found in the Play JDBC reference.conf.

§Body Parsers

The default body parser is now play.api.mvc.BodyParsers.parse.default. It is similar to anyContent parser, except that it only parses the bodies of PATCH, POST, and PUT requests. To parse bodies for requests of other methods, explicitly pass the anyContent parser to Action.

def foo = Action(play.api.mvc.BodyParsers.parse.anyContent) { request =>

§Maximum body length

For both Scala and Java, there have been some small but important changes to the way the configured maximum body lengths are handled and applied.

A new property, play.http.parser.maxDiskBuffer, specifies the maximum length of any body that is parsed by a parser that may buffer to disk. This includes the raw body parser and the multipart/form-data parser. By default this is 10MB.

In the case of the multipart/form-data parser, the aggregate length of all of the text data parts is limited by the configured play.http.parser.maxMemoryBuffer value, which defaults to 100KB.

In all cases, when one of the max length parsing properties is exceeded, a 413 response is returned. This includes Java actions who have explicitly overridden the maxLength property on the BodyParser.Of annotation - previously it was up to the Java action to check the RequestBody.isMaxSizeExceeded flag if a custom max length was configured, this flag has now been deprecated.

Additionally, Java actions may now declare a BodyParser.Of.maxLength value that is greater than the configured max length.

§Testing changes

FakeRequest has been replaced by RequestBuilder.

The reverse ref router used in Java tests has been removed. Any call to that was passed a ref router can be replaced by a call to Helpers.route which takes either a standard reverse router reference or a RequestBuilder.

§Java TimeoutExceptions

If you use the Java API, the F.Promise class now throws unchecked F.PromiseTimeoutExceptions instead of Java’s checked TimeoutExceptions. The TimeoutExceptionss which were previously used were not properly declared with the throws keyword. Rather than changing the API to use the throws keyword, which would mean users would have to declare throws on their methods, the exception was changed to a new unchecked type instead. See #1227 for more information.

Old API New API Comments
TimeoutException F.PromiseTimeoutException

§Crypto APIs

Play’s Crypto API improves security by supporting encryption methods that use initialization vectors and by changing the default encryption transformation to AES/CTR/NoPadding. To add this support, the Play 2.4 encryption format has changed slightly. This means that cookies and other data encrypted in Play 2.4 will not be readable by older versions of Play. However, Play 2.4 can read cookies and other data encrypted in both the old and new format.

The crypto transformation is configured in play.crypto.aes.transformation and the default value has changed from AES to AES/CTR/NoPadding, which is more secure.

When you call Crypto.encryptAES in Play 2.4 it will use the configured transformation (default AES/CTR/NoPadding) to encrypt the data and then encode the result in the new format that supports initialization vectors.

When you call Crypto.decryptAES it will decode both the old and new formats. The old format is always decoded using the AES transformation. The new format is decoded using the configured transformation (default AES/CTR/NoPadding).

If you wish to continue using the older format of encryption decryption, here is the link that provides all the necessary information.


The new Anorm version includes various fixes and improvements.

Following BatchSQL #3016, SqlQuery case class is refactored as a trait with companion object.
Consequently, BatchSql is now created by passing a raw statement which is validated internally.

import anorm.BatchSql

// Before
BatchSql(SqlQuery("SQL")) // No longer accepted (won't compile)

// Now
// Simpler and safer, as SqlQuery is created&validated internally


It’s now possible to get value from Row using column index.

val res: (String, String) = SQL("SELECT * FROM Test").map(row =>
 row[String](1) -> row[String](2) // string columns #1 and #2

Column resolution per label is now unified, whatever the label is name or alias.

val res: (String, Int) = SQL"SELECT text, count AS i".map(row =>
  row[String]("text") -> row[Int]("i")

New fold and foldWhile functions to work with result stream.

val countryCount: Either[List[Throwable], Long] = 
  SQL"Select count(*) as c from Country".fold(0l) { (c, _) => c + 1 }

val books: Either[List[Throwable], List[String]] =
 SQL("Select name from Books").foldWhile(List[String]()) { (list, row) => 
  foldWhile(List[String]()) { (list, row) =>
    if (list.size == 100) (list -> false) // stop with `list`
    else (list := row[String]("name")) -> true // continue with one more name

New withResult function to provide custom stream parser.

import anorm.{ Cursor, Row }
def go(c: Option[Cursor], l: List[String]): List[String] = c match {
  case Some(cursor) => {
    if (l.size == 100) l // custom limit, partial processing
    else {
      val row =
      go(it, l :+ row[String]("name"))
  case _ => l

val books: Either[List[Throwable], List[String]] =
  SQL("Select name from Books").withResult(go(_, List.empty[String]))

§Type mappings

More parameter and column conversions are available.


A column can be multi-value if its type is JDBC array (java.sql.Array). Now Anorm can map it to either array or list (Array[T] or List[T]), provided type of element (T) is also supported in column mapping.

import anorm.SQL
import anorm.SqlParser.{ scalar, * }

// array and element parser
import anorm.Column.{ columnToArray, stringToArray }

val res: List[Array[String]] =
  SQL("SELECT str_arr FROM tbl").as(scalar[Array[String]].*)

New convenient parsing functions are also provided for arrays with SqlParser.array[T](...) and SqlParser.list[T](...)

In case JDBC statement is expecting an array parameter (java.sql.Array), its value can be passed as Array[T], as long as element type T is a supported one.

val arr = Array("fr", "en", "ja")
SQL"UPDATE Test SET langs = $arr".execute()

Multi-value parameter

New conversions are available to pass List[T], Set[T], SortedSet[T], Stream[T] and Vector[T] as multi-value parameter.

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> List(1, 3, 4)

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> Set(1, 3, 4)

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> SortedSet("a", "b", "c")

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> Stream(1, 3, 4)

SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
 on('categories -> Vector("a", "b", "c")

Numeric and boolean types

Column conversions for basic types like numeric and boolean ones have been improvided.

Some invalid conversions are removed:

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
Double Boolean
Int Boolean

There are new conversions extending column support.

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
BigDecimal BigInteger
BigDecimal Int
BigDecimal Long
BigInteger BigDecimal
BigInteger Int
BigInteger Long
Boolean Int
Boolean Long
Boolean Short
Byte BigDecimal
Float BigDecimal
Int BigDecimal
Long Int
Short BigDecimal


§HTTP server configuration

Advanced Netty configuration options, that is, options prefixed with http.netty.option, must now use the prefix play.server.netty.option instead.



You now need to have an implicit Messages value instead of just Lang in order to use the i18n API. The Messages type aggregates a Lang and a MessagesApi.

This means that you should change your templates to take an implicit Messages parameter instead of Lang:

@(form: Form[Login])(implicit messages: Messages)

From you controllers you can get such an implicit Messages value by mixing the play.api.i18n.I18nSupport trait in your controller that gives you an implicit Messages value as long as there is a RequestHeader value in the implicit scope. The I18nSupport trait has an abstract member def messagesApi: MessagesApi so your code will typically look like the following:

class MyController(val messagesApi: MessagesApi) extends I18nSupport {
  // ...

A simpler migration path is also supported if you want your controller to be still an object instead of a class or don’t want to use the I18nSupport trait. Just add the following import:

import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._

This import brings you an implicit Messages value as long as there are a Lang and an Application in the implicit scope (thankfully controllers already provide the Lang and you can get the currently running application by importing play.api.Play.current).


The API should be backward compatible with your code using Play 2.3 so there is no migration step. Nevertheless, note that you have to start your Play application before using the Java i18n API. That should always be the case when you run your project, however your test code may not always start your application. Please refer to the corresponding documentation page to know how to start your application before running your tests.


Previously, Play added all the resources to the the conf directory in the distribution, but didn’t add the conf directory to the classpath. Now Play adds the conf directory to the classpath by default.

This can be turned off by setting PlayKeys.externalizeResources := false, which will cause no conf directory to be created in the distribution, and it will not be on the classpath. The contents of the applications conf directory will still be on the classpath by virtue of the fact that it’s included in the applications jar file.


§No more OrderedExecutionContext

The mysterious OrderedExecutionContext had been retained in Play for several versions in order to support legacy applications. It was rarely used and has now been removed. If you still need the OrderedExecutionContext for some reason, you can create your own implementation based on the Play 2.3 source. If you haven’t heard of this class, then there’s nothing you need to do.

Next: Play 2.3 migration guide