SecureSocial Module
SecureSocial allows you to add an authentication UI to your app that works with services based on OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID and OpenID+OAuth hybrid protocols.
It also provides a Username and Password mechanism for users that do not wish to use existing accounts in other networks.
The following services are supported in this release:
- Twitter (OAuth1)
- Facebook (OAuth2)
- Google (OpenID + OAuth Hybrid)
- Yahoo (OpenID + OAuth Hybrid)
- LinkedIn (OAuth1)
- Foursquare (OAuth2)
- MyOpenID (OpenID)
- Wordpress (OpenID)
- Username and Password
The module does not depend on any external Java libray. It relies only on what the Play! Framework provides and uses the awesome Bootstrap toolkit from Twitter to style the UI.
There is a live demo at You can try all the providers there except the Username and Password one because the app cannot send emails on that server.
Source code is available at
Written by Jorge Aliss (@jaliss)
Getting started
To install SecureSocial add it as a dependency in your dependencies.yml file:
-play -> securesocial {version}
Then execute:
play deps
Securing a Controller
To restrict access to authenticated users just add @With( SecureSocial.class ) to your controller:
@With( SecureSocial.class )
public class Application extends Controller {
public static void index() {
Trying to access any action on a protected controller will show a login page if the user has not been authenticated yet.
The Login Page
On the login page users can select their preferred accout in one of the supported services (Eg: Twitter, Facebook) or use a username/password combination if they don’t want to use an existing account.
A sign up form is provided to allow users to create an account in your application.
When users create an account they need to verify their email address clicking on a link they receive on a welcome email.
SecureSocial needs you to provide some settings to work property as described below.
Identity Providers
You can customize which identity providers your application uses and the order they appear in the login page as follows:
For example if you only wanted to use Twitter, Facebook and Google you would set it as:
The values for this property come from the ProviderType enum. If you don’t set this, SecureSocial will display all the providers in the login page.
Note: The userpass provider always appears below the icons row. If you need another layout
you’ll have to change the login page template.
Identity Provider settings
For each OAuth based provider you plan to use you need to register your application at the developer’s site of each service and include the corresponding properties in your application.conf.
# Twitter
# Facebook
# Google
# Yahoo
# LinkedIn
# Foursquare
Some providers use a scope property. The values shown above are what SecureSocial needs to provide your app with the name, email and avatar of your users. If you need permissions you can add the required scopes in a comma separated list.
If you are going to use the UsernamePassword provider set the following properties that are required by the Mailer:
# Mailer
securesocial.mailer.subject=Activate your account
[email protected]
To customize the email body change the views/securesocial/Mails/sendActivationEmail.html template.
Logout redirection
By default when users log out they are taken to the login page. You can customize the destination by adding the following property in your application.conf:
# Logout redirection
You can specify an action or a URL to redirect to.
SecureSocial, SocialUser and UserService
In the protected controllers you can access the current user by executing:
SocialUser user = SecureSocial.getCurrentUser();
The SocialUser object has the following attributes:
- id: A UserId object instance that has the provider type and the user id on the external service.
- displayName: A string with the user’s full name
- email: The user’s email address
- avatarUrl: A url that points to the user’s avatar.
- authMethod: One of the values defined in the AuthenticationMethod enum.
- lastAccess: A Date with the last login time
The module tries its best to provide that information however some providers might not make all available. For example Twitter and LinkedIn do not expose the user’s email in their APIs.
Depending on the authMethod the module sets values on different attributes of the user object:
- AuthenticationMethod.OAuth1 and AuthenticationMethod.OPENID_OAUTH_HYBRID
- serviceInfo: A OAuth.ServiceInfo instance with the values needed for the provider.
- token: A string with the user token
- secret: A string with the user secret
- AuthenticationMethod.OAuth2
- accessToken: The access token
- AuthenticationMethod.USER_PASSWORD
- password: A string with the user password.
- isEmailVerified: A boolean indicating if the user verified the email address or not
Displaying user information in a template
SecureSocial adds a user object to the render arguments of each action in a secured controller. To display user information you can do something like:
<div class="page-header">
<h2><img src="${user.avatarUrl}" width="40px" height="40px"/>Welcome ${user.displayName}</h2>
<div class="clearfix">
<h2>User details</h2>
<li>User id: ${}</li>
<li>Logged in from: ${}</li>
<li>Email: ${}</li>
Invoking a service API
OAuth1 sample:
SocialUser user = SecureSocial.getCurrentUser();
JsonObject me = WS.url("").
oauth(user.serviceInfo,user.token, user.secret).get().getJson().getAsJsonObject();
OAuth2 sample:
SocialUser user = SecureSocial.getCurrentUser();
JsonObject me = WS.url("", user.accessToken).
To invoke the right APIs you need to find out what provider the user belongs to. You can do it as follows:
SocialUser user = SecureSocial.getCurrentUser();
if ( == ProviderType.facebook ) {
The ProviderType enum has values for all the supported providers.
This module does not persist users in the database. It relies on an implementation of the UserService.Service interface for that.
There is a default implementation that stores things in a HashMap included that can be used for development mode, however for production use you need to provide a valid implementation within your application.
The interface defines the following methods:
public interface Service {
SocialUser find(UserId id);
void save(SocialUser user);
String createActivation(SocialUser user);
boolean activate(String uuid);
void deletePendingActivations();
The find and save methods are required by all providers. The createActivation, activate and deletePendingActivations methods are used for the Username Password provider.
If you do not plan to use it you can provide empty implementations for those methods.
When the application starts SecureSocial looks for UserService.Service implementation in the classpath and uses it automatically. You do not need to configure anything else for it to be picked up.
Note: check the documentation in the source code for more information on these methods.