Convenient extractor allowing to apply two extractors.
Convenient extractor allowing to apply two extractors. Example of use:
request match { case Accepts.Json() & Accepts.Html() => "This request accepts both JSON and HTML" }
Generates a ‘202 ACCEPTED’ result.
Generates a ‘202 ACCEPTED’ result.
Common extractors to check if a request accepts JSON, Html, etc.
Common extractors to check if a request accepts JSON, Html, etc. Example of use:
request match { case Accepts.Json() => Ok(toJson(value)) case _ => Ok( }
Content-Type of binary data.
Content-Type of binary data.
Generates a ‘502 BAD_GATEWAY’ result.
Generates a ‘502 BAD_GATEWAY’ result.
Generates a ‘400 BAD_REQUEST’ result.
Generates a ‘400 BAD_REQUEST’ result.
Content-Type of application cache.
Content-Type of application cache.
Content-Type of css.
Content-Type of css.
Generates a ‘409 CONFLICT’ result.
Generates a ‘409 CONFLICT’ result.
Generates a ‘201 CREATED’ result.
Generates a ‘201 CREATED’ result.
Content-Type of server sent events.
Content-Type of server sent events.
Generates a ‘413 REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE’ result.
Generates a ‘413 REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE’ result.
Generates a ‘417 EXPECTATION_FAILED’ result.
Generates a ‘417 EXPECTATION_FAILED’ result.
Content-Type of form-urlencoded.
Content-Type of form-urlencoded.
Generates a ‘424 FAILED_DEPENDENCY’ result.
Generates a ‘424 FAILED_DEPENDENCY’ result.
Generates a ‘403 FORBIDDEN’ result.
Generates a ‘403 FORBIDDEN’ result.
Generates a ‘302 FOUND’ simple result.
Generates a ‘504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘410 GONE’ result.
Generates a ‘410 GONE’ result.
Content-Type of html.
Content-Type of html.
Generates a ‘505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED’ result.
Generates a ‘505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED’ result.
Generates a ‘507 INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE’ result.
Generates a ‘507 INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE’ result.
Generates a ‘500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR’ result.
Generates a ‘500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR’ result.
Content-Type of javascript.
Content-Type of javascript.
Content-Type of json.
Content-Type of json.
Generates a ‘423 LOCKED’ result.
Generates a ‘423 LOCKED’ result.
Generates a ‘405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED’ result.
Generates a ‘405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED’ result.
Generates a ‘301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY’ simple result.
Generates a ‘301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY’ simple result.
the URL to redirect to
Generates a ‘207 MULTI_STATUS’ result.
Generates a ‘207 MULTI_STATUS’ result.
Generates a ‘204 NO_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘204 NO_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE’ result.
Generates a ‘406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE’ result.
Generates a ‘404 NOT_FOUND’ result.
Generates a ‘404 NOT_FOUND’ result.
Generates a ‘501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED’ result.
Generates a ‘501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED’ result.
Generates a ‘304 NOT_MODIFIED’ result.
Generates a ‘304 NOT_MODIFIED’ result.
Generates a ‘200 OK’ result.
Generates a ‘200 OK’ result.
Generates a ‘206 PARTIAL_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘206 PARTIAL_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘412 PRECONDITION_FAILED’ result.
Generates a ‘412 PRECONDITION_FAILED’ result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
Call defining the URL to redirect to, which typically comes from the reverse router
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
Call defining the URL to redirect to, which typically comes from the reverse router
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
the URL to redirect to
queryString parameters to add to the queryString
Generates a redirect simple result.
Generates a redirect simple result.
the URL to redirect to
HTTP status
Generates a ‘408 REQUEST_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘408 REQUEST_TIMEOUT’ result.
Generates a ‘205 RESET_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘205 RESET_CONTENT’ result.
Generates a ‘303 SEE_OTHER’ simple result.
Generates a ‘503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE’ result.
Generates a ‘503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE’ result.
Generates a simple result.
Content-Type of text.
Content-Type of text.
Provides an empty Action
implementation: the result is a standard ‘Not implemented yet’ result page.
Provides an empty Action
implementation: the result is a standard ‘Not implemented yet’ result page.
For example:
def index(name:String) = TODO
Generates a ‘307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT’ simple result.
Generates a ‘307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT’ simple result.
the URL to redirect to
Generates a ‘429 TOO_MANY_REQUEST’ result.
Generates a ‘429 TOO_MANY_REQUEST’ result.
Generates a ‘401 UNAUTHORIZED’ result.
Generates a ‘401 UNAUTHORIZED’ result.
Generates a ‘422 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY’ result.
Generates a ‘422 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY’ result.
Generates a ‘415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE’ result.
Generates a ‘415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE’ result.
Generates a ‘414 REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG’ result.
Generates a ‘414 REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG’ result.
Content-Type of xml.
Content-Type of xml.
Implements HTTP chunked transfer encoding.
Implements HTTP chunked transfer encoding.
An optional trailers iteratee. If supplied, this will be zipped with the output iteratee, so that it can calculate some trailing headers, which will be included with the last chunk.
Implements HTTP chunked transfer encoding.
Implements HTTP chunked transfer encoding.
Dechunks a chunked transfer encoding stream.
Dechunks a chunked transfer encoding stream.
Chunks may span multiple elements in the stream.
Default body parsers.
Default body parsers.
Retrieve the flash scope implicitly from the request.
Retrieve the flash scope implicitly from the request.
For example:
def index(name:String) = Action { implicit request => val message = flash("message") Ok("Got " + message) }
Retrieves the session implicitly from the request.
Retrieves the session implicitly from the request.
For example:
def index(name:String) = Action { implicit request => val username = session("username") Ok("Hello " + username) }
the codec
charset appended to mimeType
Defines utility methods to generate
types.For example: