List of filters, typically provided by mixing in play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents or play.api.NoHttpFiltersComponents.
List of filters, typically provided by mixing in play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents or play.api.NoHttpFiltersComponents.
In most cases you will want to mixin HttpFiltersComponents and append your own filters:
class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents { lazy val loggingFilter = new LoggingFilter() override def httpFilters = { super.httpFilters :+ loggingFilter } }
If you want to filter elements out of the list, you can do the following:
class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents { override def httpFilters = { super.httpFilters.filterNot(_.getClass == classOf[CSRFFilter]) } }
The runtime Injector instance provided to the DefaultApplication.
The runtime Injector instance provided to the DefaultApplication. This injector is set up to allow existing (deprecated) legacy APIs to function. It is not set up to support injecting arbitrary Play components.
Helper that provides all the built in components dependencies from the application loader context