object OWrites extends PathWrites with ConstraintWrites
- Source
- Writes.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- OWrites
- ConstraintWrites
- PathWrites
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def apply[A](f: (A) => JsObject): OWrites[A]
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def at[A](path: JsPath)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): OWrites[A]
- Definition Classes
- PathWrites
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
- implicit val contravariantfunctorOWrites: ContravariantFunctor[OWrites]
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable])
- implicit val functionalCanBuildOWrites: FunctionalCanBuild[OWrites]
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def jsPick(path: JsPath): Writes[JsValue]
- Definition Classes
- PathWrites
- def jsPickBranch(path: JsPath): OWrites[JsValue]
- Definition Classes
- PathWrites
- def jsPickBranchUpdate(path: JsPath, wrs: OWrites[JsValue]): OWrites[JsValue]
- Definition Classes
- PathWrites
- def list[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- def map[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): OWrites[Map[String, A]]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- def nullable[A](path: JsPath)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): OWrites[Option[A]]
writes a optional field in given JsPath : if None, doesn't write field at all.
writes a optional field in given JsPath : if None, doesn't write field at all. Please note we do not write "null" but simply omit the field when None If you want to write a "null", use ConstraintWrites.optionWithNull[A]
- Definition Classes
- PathWrites
- def of[A](implicit w: Writes[A]): Writes[A]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- def optionWithNull[A](implicit wa: Writes[A]): Writes[Option[A]]
Pure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different from
which omits the field when NonePure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different from
which omits the field when None- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- def pruned[A]: Writes[A]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- def pure[A](fixed: => A)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): Writes[JsValue]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- def pure[A](path: JsPath, fixed: => A)(implicit wrs: Writes[A]): OWrites[JsValue]
- Definition Classes
- PathWrites
- def seq[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[Seq[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- def set[A](implicit writes: Writes[A]): Writes[Set[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def transform[A](w: OWrites[A])(f: (A, JsObject) => JsObject): OWrites[A]
Transforms the resulting JsObject using the given function, which is also applied with the initial input.
Transforms the resulting JsObject using the given function, which is also applied with the initial input.
- w
the initial writer
- f
the transformer function
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
Deprecated Value Members
- def pruned[A](implicit w: Writes[A]): Writes[A]
- Definition Classes
- ConstraintWrites
- Annotations
- @silent() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.8.0) Use