Serializer for BigDecimal types.
Serializer for Boolean types.
Default Serializer java.
Default Serializer org.
Default Serializer org.
Serializer for Double types.
Serializer for Float types.
Serializer for Int types.
Serializer for JsValues.
Serializer for Long types.
Serializer for Option.
Serializer for Option.
Serializer for Short types.
Serializer for String types.
Serializer for java.
Serializer for Array[T] types.
Serializer for Array[T] types.
Serializer for java.
Serializer for java.util.Date
the pattern used by SimpleDateFormat
Serializer for org.
Serializer for org.joda.time.DateTime
the pattern used by SimpleDateFormat
Serializer for org.
Serializer for org.joda.time.LocalDate
the pattern used by org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
Serializer for Map[String,V] types.
Serializer for Map[String,V] types.
writes a optional field in given JsPath : if None, doesn't write field at all.
writes a optional field in given JsPath : if None, doesn't write field at all. Please note we do not write "null" but simply omit the field when None If you want to write a "null", use ConstraintWrites.optionWithNull[A]
Pure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different
from JsPath.writeNullable which omits the field when None
Pure Option Writer[T] which writes "null" when None which is different
from JsPath.writeNullable which omits the field when None
Serializer for java.
Serializer for java.sql.Date
the pattern used by SimpleDateFormat
Serializer for Traversables types.
Serializer for Traversables types.
(Since version 2.1-RC2) use nullable[T] instead (in parallel with Reads.nullable(path))
Default Serializers.